Wie kann ich mein Benutzerzertifikat exportieren
Export certificate
At first you have to export your certificate on your private computer as .p12 file.
Mac OS X - Keychain Access
Select the certificate you want to export.
With right-click you choose the certificate and select export.
Choose a save location, name the certificate and save it as .p12 file.
Select a certificate-backup-password to protect your private key. This password you have to use when you import the certificate.
Open settings under extras/edit.
click on more and then on certificates
click on show certificates and open your certificate. Mark it and click on save.
Select a certificate-backup-password to protect your private key. This password you have to use when you import the certificate.
Open file -> options -> Trust Center and open settings for the trust center.
After that open mail-security.
Firstly choose unter digital IDs the option import/export,
Then click on export digital ID under a file and search your certificate.
Now choose a memory location. Select a certificate-backup-password to protect your private key. This password you have to use when you import the certificate.
Open settings under extras/edit. Open more and your certificate. Select
show certificate.
Open your certificate. Mark yours and click on save...
Select a certificate-backup-password to protect your private key. This password you have to use when you import the certificate.
Google Chrome
Click in google chrome on settings -> more.
Click on HTTPS/SSL-certificates and settings...
Choose in the window certificates your personal ID certificate and click on export.
Click on the Certificateexport-Assistent on the welcome side on next.
Choose Yes, export private key and click next.
Choose private Information exchange -PKCS#12 (.PFX)
Activate all certificates on the path and click on next.
Do the following steps on the security side:
- Activate password.
- Fill in the fields password and confirm password.
- Then click on next.
Click on search and choose a location for your certificate (with a private key), name the file (e.g. itocert), click save and next.
Make sure you save it on a location you can remember.
If you recieve the message Export completed click on OK.