Changes for page MasterGamesPraktikum

Last modified by Karl Zakhary on 2024/02/05 12:39

From version 1.2
edited by wikibot
on 2023/02/13 19:37
Change comment: langfix
To version 2.1
edited by Georg Groh
on 2023/10/17 15:54
Change comment: There is no comment for this version



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29 -Post I - old: (August 2016) Hey guys, my name is Clemens Kamm (, German) and I am looking for WS 2016/17 for other group members. I would be interested in these three topics: Serious Games (, Groh's topic on gamification techniques ( and the Computer Games Laboratory ( My comptetencies: experience with Unity3D, design of User Interfaces (2D/3D), 3dsMax, user studies; basic knowledge in Computer Graphics and AI.
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33 -Post II - old: (August 2016) Hi, I (Markus Siglreithmaier ( am looking for WS 2016/17 for other group members. My prefered topic would be the Computer Games Laboratory (see, but I'm also interested in the Numerical Simulation praktium ( or other topics! Background: Good knowledge in Computer Graphics: Real-time Rendering and Physics based Simulation (especially fluid simulations). If you are interested please drop me an e-mail.
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37 -Post III - old: (August 2016) Hi everyone, my name is Tamara Barounig ( and I am looking for other group members for WS 2016/17. I am interested in the following two topics: Computer Games Laboratory ( and Serious Games ( Background: My lines of specialization are "Computer Graphics and Animation" and "Interaction and Communication". My comptetencies: Experience with Unity3D, C# and C++, basic knowledge of Computer Graphics, Fluid Simulation and the design of 3D User Interfaces.
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41 -Post I-III Update: (September 2016) Hey everyone, we (Clemens, Markus, Tamara and Adrian) have formed a group for the Computer Games Laboratory. But it may be possible to form two groups, because Adrian and I would be still interested in Groh's topic on gamification techniques. So if you are interested in this topic as well, just write an email to
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45 -Jingyi 09. Sep. 2016: Hello, we (Dominik Baumeister and Jingyi Wang) are looking for 1-2 Persons for a Computer Games Laboratory WS 16/17 Group. If you are interessted leave me send email:
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51 -SS17 (February 2017): Hey, we (Clemens Kamm and Adrian Philipp) are looking for one or two team members for summer semester 2017. We are interested in Groh's topic on gamification tachniques for social motivation for healthy nutrition ( [[>>]]) and Serious Games ( If you are interested in one of these topics, send an e-mail to:
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55 -(July 2017): Hi, I (Jakub Cichor) am looking for two to three people for the upcoming winter semester 2017/18. I would be primarily interested in the [[Serious Games>>]] lab course, especially with a focus on the interaction between video games and morality, but other topics would also work. If you are interested or want to know more, send an email to: .
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59 -(Feb18): Hello, I (Kevin Galim) am looking for 2 or 3 team members for the summer semester 2018. I am particulary interested in the Computer Games Laboratory ( but I am also open for other topics. If you are interested or have a question please contact me:
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63 63  (Aug 2020): Hello, I (Shyam Rangarajan) am looking for 2-3 members for a Games Engineering lab course next semester (WS 2020), revolving around the concept of an educational game for an existing course at TUM, so that it can become a teaching asset for that course in the future. Some preliminary ideas are below:
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65 65  **Eg 1.** Build some kind of political intrigue/campaign game where players need to form coalitions, gain votes, pass humorous legislation, do negative actions like corruption and Gerry meandering etc. which can be used to demonstrate voting concepts, perhaps social choice theory etc.
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73 73  On a related note, a proposal of mine along similar lines was shortlisted for the TUM Future Learning Initiative, around the theme of using Games Engineering practical courses to benefit TUM via creating edutainment assets. If you are interested in learning more about this and if you can get involved, please reach out to me.
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75 75  My contact:
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78 78  (April 2022): Hi,
79 79  Felix Stieglbauer and I, Dominik Huber - both 2nd semester in the Master Games Engineering, are looking for one or two motivated team members for the Serious Games course by David Plecher. If you are interested, please contact me (
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85 85  My name is Aymane and I'm interested in doing a Master Praktikum Games Engineering: Augmented Reality (IN7106). I'm flexible even in regards to the topic so if you're interested in doing a Master's Praktikum related to Games Engineering then please send me an email to
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