Modify access rights on own files/home directory
1. General
Every student has a folder, which can be accessed via /u/halle/$USER .
$USER is the CIT-Login, which was received from the Infopoint and is used to login into the computer hall.
In this folder you can find different architectures like homeat for the Ubuntu VMs for the lxhalle.
In order to facilitate the collaboration of students, most of those folders can be accessed by other students.
Important folders like the home_mail and homesec are only visible and writeable by the active user.
These notes are explicitly valid only for the lxhalle.
2. Restrict access on own folders (Homepage will not be accessible)
More infomation about your own website: https://wiki.ito.cit.tum.de/bin/view/Informatik/Helpdesk/EigeneHomepage#
Start the terminal in the lxhalle
After using the following command
the access rights should look like this:
3. Restrict access on all own folders except home_at
In order to make the homepage accessible, the folders /u/halle/$USER and /u/halle/$USER/home_page need the Execute-permission for other (o).
This can be achieved as follows:
Start the terminal in the lxhalle
After using the following commands
the access rights should look like this: