Daten Wiederherstellung
Last modified by Yunhao Wu on 2023/03/01 16:22
Restoring deleted Data
This article describes, which data can be restored on the PCs of the Rechnerhalle.
1. Which Data can be restored?
- all data and directories inside your home directory can be restored (including e-mails in your home_mail directory)
- the structure of directories is shown below and can be displayed via the following command:
ls -al /u/halle/<Your_Login> - the backup of the home directories is executed in an infinite loop. Because every complete backup process takes over 24 hours, there is no fixed time, at which backups begin each day and therefore no fixed time for saving user data
- the data is saved for up to 6 months, however it needs to be said, that there is no guarantee, that data this old can be restored successfully
2. How do I initiate Data Recovery?
- if you wish to restore old data, please send an e-mail to:
- the e-mail must contain the points stated below (please note, that the more precise your specifications are, the higher your chances of recovering the data you need are)
- which PC were you working on (eg. lxhalle)
- which user name was used
- which directory or which specific file do you wish to recover - Please only use absolute paths !!! - Example:
- Time of the desired recovery (Time of recovery of the file, eg. <Filename> from 11.04.2018)