Matrix Chat
Establishing a Matrix Chat
There are two Matrix-Servers:
1 (LRZ-ID)
1 (ITO-ID)
You can log in any of them with the appropriate ID and password.
The Matrix Server is available as web but also as client. It can be found as web interface under the following links:
Here you can find installation for IOS, Android, Mac, Linux and Windows.
Log in
Log in to the web interface with TUM login data
webpage: ID: LRZ-ID (without or Password: LRZ/TUM Password
Log in to the web interface with cit.tum login data
Webseite: ID: ITO(cit.tum)-ID (without Password: cit.tum Password
Create new chat room
If you want to create a new chat room, first click the +-Button next to Rooms in the program or on the web inferface and then enter the name of the chat room. You can also block users on other servers from joining the room or enable encryption. You can't change these settings later.
todo- screenshot
The chat room Test-RBG is private, so it is not visible to others and participants can only join the room by invitation.
Invite into the chat room
Requirement: The member which is been invited has registered once on the same TUM/ITO Matrix Server
If you want to invite new members to the room, click the button Invite to this room at the top right of the program or the web interface.
Enter followings in the opened window:
For in.tum or ma.tum Accounts: e.g.
For TUM Accounts:
and send the invitation to the e-mail address of the person to be invited, that means to the ITO(cit.tum) or TUM email address.
The invitation will appear in the matrix chat window and must be accepted.
invite to the private chat
Requirement: The member which is been invited has registered once on the same TUM/ITO Matrix Server
You can also privatly chat with other in Matrix. If you want to chat with a member privatly, click on the +-Button beside People in the program or on the web interface.
Enter followings in the opened window:
For ITO Accounts: e.g.
For TUM Accounts: e.g.
and send the invitation to the e-mail address of the person to be invited, that means to the ITO(cit.tum) or TUM email address.
The invitation will appear in the element chat window and must be accepted.