Changes for page Matrix

Last modified by Stefan Schwalb on 2023/08/28 20:39

From version 4.1
edited by Aysegül Omus
on 2023/08/21 16:37
Change comment: There is no comment for this version
To version 20.1
edited by Aysegül Omus
on 2023/08/23 00:28
Change comment: There is no comment for this version



Page properties
... ... @@ -1,54 +1,8 @@
1 -= Establishing a Matrix Chat =
1 +{{toc/}}
2 2  
3 3  
4 += Establishing a Matrix Chat =
4 4  
5 -(% class="wikitoc" %)
6 -* [[Establishing a Matrix Chat>>path:#HEstablishingaMatrixChat]]
7 -** [[Log in>>path:#HLogin]]
8 -*** [[Log in to the web interface with TUM login data>>path:#HLogintothewebinterfacewithTUMlogindata]]
9 -*** [[Log in to the web interface with cit.tum login data>>path:#HLogintothewebinterfacewithcit.tumlogindata]]
10 -** [[Create new chat room>>path:#HCreatenewchatroom]]
11 -*** [[Explore rooms>>path:#HExplorerooms]]
12 -** [[Invite into the chat room>>path:#HInviteintothechatroom]]
13 -** [[private chat>>path:#Hprivatechat]]
14 -** [[keys for encrypted rooms>>path:#Hkeysforencryptedrooms]]
15 -** [[User Settings>>path:#HUserSettings]]
16 -*** [[All Settings>>path:#HAllSettings]]
17 -**** [[General>>path:#HGeneral]]
18 -**** [[Appearance>>path:#HAppearance]]
19 -**** [[Flair>>path:#HFlair]]
20 -**** [[Notifications>>path:#HNotifications]]
21 -**** [[Preferences>>path:#HPreferences]]
22 -**** [[Voice & Video>>path:#HVoice26Video]]
23 -**** [[Security and Privacy>>path:#HSecurityandPrivacy]]
24 -**** [[Help & About>>path:#HHelp26About]]
25 -** [[Settings for People>>path:#HSettingsforPeople]]
26 -*** [[General>>path:#HGeneral-1]]
27 -**** [[Show options>>path:#HShowoptions]]
28 -**** [[Start chat>>path:#HStartchat]]
29 -*** [[Room Settings>>path:#HRoomSettings]]
30 -*** [[Share room>>path:#HShareroom]]
31 -*** [[Manage Integrations>>path:#HManageIntegrations]]
32 -*** [[Search>>path:#HSearch]]
33 -*** [[Show/hide members>>path:#HShow2Fhidemembers]]
34 -*** [[Files>>path:#HFiles]]
35 -*** [[Notifications>>path:#HNotifications-1]]
36 -*** [[Room options>>path:#HRoomoptions]]
37 -*** [[Notification options>>path:#HNotificationoptions]]
38 -** [[Settings for rooms>>path:#HSettingsforrooms]]
39 -*** [[General>>path:#HGeneral-2]]
40 -**** [[Show options>>path:#HShowoptions-1]]
41 -**** [[Create new room>>path:#HCreatenewroom]]
42 -*** [[Room Options>>path:#HRoomOptions]]
43 -*** [[Share room>>path:#HShareroom-1]]
44 -*** [[Manage Integrations>>path:#HManageIntegrations-1]]
45 -*** [[Search>>path:#HSearch-1]]
46 -*** [[Show/hide members>>path:#HShow2Fhidemembers-1]]
47 -*** [[Files>>path:#HFiles-1]]
48 -*** [[Notifications>>path:#HNotifications-2]]
49 -*** [[Room options>>path:#HRoomoptions-1]]
50 -*** [[Notification options>>path:#HNotificationoptions-1]]
51 -* [[Important KB-Links (the website is only available in MWN Network):>>path:#HImportantKB-Links28thewebsiteisonlyavailableinMWNNetwork29:]]
52 52  
53 53  There are two Matrix-Servers:
54 54   1 (LRZ-ID)
... ... @@ -56,8 +56,8 @@
56 56  
57 57  You can log in any of them with the appropriate ID and password.
58 58  The Matrix Server is available as web but also as client. It can be found as web interface under the following links:
59 -[[ (ITOID)>>url:]]
60 60  
14 +[[ (ITO- ID)>>url:]]
61 61  
62 62  [[ (LRZ-TUM-ID)>>url:]]
63 63  
... ... @@ -65,207 +65,150 @@
65 65  [[ Here>>url:]] you can find installation for IOS, Android, Mac, Linux and Windows.
66 66  
67 67  
68 -[[image:Informatik/Helpdesk/MatrixChat/WebHome/elementdriver.png?width=1000&rev=1.2||alt="elementdriver.png" width="1000"]]
22 +[[image:matrixdownload.png||height="284" width="575"]]
69 69  
70 70  
71 71  == Log in ==
72 72  
73 73  
74 -
75 75  === Log in to the web interface with TUM login data ===
76 76  
77 77  
31 +(% class="box" %)
32 +(((
33 +webpage: https:~/~/
34 +)))
78 78  
79 -{{{Webseite:
80 -
36 +(% class="box" %)
37 +(((
81 81  ID: LRZ-ID (without or
39 +)))
82 82  
41 +(% class="box" %)
42 +(((
83 83  Password: LRZ/TUM Password
44 +)))
84 84  
46 +[[image:tumaccountlogineng1.png||height="329" width="582"]]
85 85  
86 -}}}
87 87  
49 +[[image:tumaccountlogineng2n.png||height="362" width="589"]]
88 88  
89 -
90 -[[image:matrixrbgTUM.png?width=1000&rev=1.2||alt="matrixrbgTUM.png" width="1000"]]
91 -
92 -
93 -
94 -
95 -
96 -[[image:matrixanmeldentum.png?width=1000&rev=1.2||alt="matrixanmeldentum.png" width="1000"]]
97 -
98 -
99 -
100 -
101 -
102 -
103 103  === Log in to the web interface with cit.tum login data ===
104 104  
105 -{{{Webseite:
53 +(% class="box" %)
54 +(((
55 +webpage: https:~/~/
56 +)))
106 106  
107 -ID: ITO(cit.tum)-ID (without
58 +(% class="box" %)
59 +(((
60 +ID: ITO-ID (without
61 +)))
108 108  
63 +(% class="box" %)
64 +(((
109 109  Password: cit.tum Password
66 +)))
110 110  
111 -}}}
68 +[[image:rbgaccountlogineng1.png||height="369" width="601"]]
112 112  
113 113  
71 +[[image:rbgaccountlogineng2.png||height="377" width="608"]]
114 114  
115 115  
116 -
117 -[[image:Informatik/Helpdesk/MatrixChat/WebHome/elemtrbgin.png?width=1000&rev=1.2||alt="elemtrbgin.png" width="1000"]]
118 -
119 -
120 -
121 -[[image:Informatik/Helpdesk/MatrixChat/WebHome/matrixanmeldenIntum.png?width=1000&rev=1.2||alt="matrixanmeldenIntum.png" width="1000"]]
122 -
123 -
124 -
125 -
126 -
127 -----
128 -
129 129  == Create new chat room ==
130 130  
76 +If you want to create a new chat room, first click the **+**-Button next to **Rooms** in the program or on the web inferface and then enter the name of the chat room. You can also block users on other servers from joining the room or enable encryption. You can't change these settings later.
131 131  
132 -If you want to create a new chat room, first click the +-Button next to **Rooms** in the program or on the web inferface and then enter the name of the chat room. You can also block users on other servers from joining the room or enable encryption. You can't change these settings later.
78 +[[image:addroom1.png||height="311" width="622"]]
133 133  
134 134  
81 +The chat room **TestRoom** is private, so it is not visible to others and participants can only join the room by invitation.
135 135  
136 -[[image:/bin/download/Informatik/Helpdesk/MatrixChat/WebHome/createroom%2B.png?width=1000||alt="createroom+.png" width="1000"]]
83 +[[image:addroom3.png||height="738" width="617"]]
137 137  
138 138  
139 -
140 -[[image:/bin/download/Informatik/Helpdesk/MatrixChat/WebHome/createroom2.png?width=1000&rev=1.2||alt="createroom2.png" width="1000"]]
141 -
142 -
143 -
144 -
145 -
146 -
147 -=== Explore rooms ===
148 -
149 -
150 -It is also possible to make the room public. Then the chat room is visible to others and can be found via **Explore rooms**. This setting can be changed later.
151 -
152 -
153 -
154 -[[image:/bin/download/Informatik/Helpdesk/MatrixChat/WebHome/explorerooms.png?width=1000&rev=1.2||alt="explorerooms.png" width="1000"]]
155 -
156 -
157 -
158 -
159 -
160 -[[image:/bin/download/Informatik/Helpdesk/MatrixChat/WebHome/explorerooms2join.png?width=1000&rev=1.2||alt="explorerooms2join.png" width="1000"]]
161 -
162 -
163 -
164 -
165 -
166 -
167 -The chat room **Test-RBG** is private, so it is not visible to others and participants can only join the room by invitation.
168 -
169 -
170 -
171 -[[image:/bin/download/Informatik/Helpdesk/MatrixChat/WebHome/createroomtestrbg.png?width=1000&rev=1.2||alt="createroomtestrbg.png" width="1000"]]
172 -
173 -
174 -
175 -
176 -
177 -
178 178  == Invite into the chat room ==
179 179  
88 +**Requirement**: The member which is been invited has registered once on the Matrix Server.
180 180  
90 +**Note**: if you have only released the room for the cit.tum or tum user, only people who are registered on the cit.tum or tum server can access this room.
181 181  
182 -**Requirement**: The member which is been invited has registered once on the same TUM/ITO Matrix Server
92 +If you want to invite new members to the room, click the button **Invite to this room**.
183 183  
184 -If you want to invite new members to the room, click the button **Invite to this room** at the top right of the program or the web interface.
94 +[[image:addroom4.png||height="636" width="616"]]
185 185  
186 186  
187 -
188 -[[image:/bin/download/Informatik/Helpdesk/MatrixChat/WebHome/invitetothisroom1.png?width=1000&rev=1.2||alt="invitetothisroom1.png" width="1000"]]
189 -
190 -
191 -
192 192  Enter followings in the opened window:
193 193  
194 -**For in.tum or ma.tum Accounts**: e.g.
99 +**For ITO Accounts**: e.g.
195 195  
196 -{{{
101 +(% class="box infomessage" %)
102 +(((
104 +)))
197 197  
198 -}}}
106 +**For TUM Accounts: **e.g.
199 199  
200 -**For TUM Accounts:**
108 +(% class="box infomessage" %)
109 +(((
110 +
111 +)))
201 201  
202 -{{{
113 +**For other Accounts: ** e.g.
203 203  
204 -}}}
115 +(% class="box infomessage" %)
116 +(((
117 + name, email address, username  @username:domain
118 +)))
205 205  
120 +and send the invitation to the e-mail address of the person to be invited. The invitation will appear in the matrix chat window and must be accepted.
206 206  
207 -and send the invitation to the e-mail address of the person to be invited, that means to the ITO(cit.tum) or TUM email address.
208 208  
123 +[[image:invitetotestroom.png||height="593" width="622"]]
209 209  
210 210  
211 -[[image:/bin/download/Informatik/Helpdesk/MatrixChat/WebHome/invitetothisroom.png?width=1000&rev=1.2||alt="invitetothisroom.png" width="1000"]]
126 +=== invite to the private chat ===
212 212  
213 213  
129 +**Requirement**: The member which is been invited has registered once on the Matrix Server.
214 214  
215 215  
216 -
217 -
218 -The invitation will appear in the element chat window and must be accepted.
219 -
220 -
221 -
222 -[[image:Informatik/Helpdesk/MatrixChat/WebHome/maxmustereinladungaccept.png?width=1000&rev=1.2||alt="maxmustereinladungaccept.png" width="1000"]]
223 -
224 -
225 -
226 -
227 -== private chat ==
228 -
229 -
230 -**Requirement**: The member which is been invited has registered once on the same TUM/ITO Matrix Server
231 -
232 232  You can also privatly chat with other in Matrix. If you want to chat with a member privatly, click on the **+-Button** beside **People** in the program or on the web interface.
233 233  
134 +[[image:startchat1.png||height="202" width="633"]]
234 234  
235 235  
236 -[[image:Informatik/Helpdesk/MatrixChat/WebHome/startchat1.png?width=1000&rev=1.2||alt="startchat1.png" width="1000"]]
237 -
238 -
239 -
240 -
241 -
242 -
243 243  Enter followings in the opened window:
244 244  
245 -**For cit.tum Accounts**: e.g.
139 +**For ITO Accounts**: e.g.
246 246  
247 -{{{
141 +(% class="box infomessage" %)
142 +(((
144 +)))
248 248  
249 -}}}
146 +**For TUM Accounts: **e.g.
250 250  
251 -**For TUM Accounts:**
148 +(% class="box infomessage" %)
149 +(((
150 +
151 +)))
252 252  
253 -{{{
153 +**For other Accounts: ** e.g.
254 254  
255 -}}}
155 +(% class="box infomessage" %)
156 +(((
157 + name, email address, username  @username:homeserver
158 +)))
256 256  
160 +and send the invitation to the e-mail address of the person to be invited. [[image:invitepeople1.png||height="298" width="687"]]
257 257  
258 -and send the invitation to the e-mail address of the person to be invited, that means to the ITO(cit.tum) or TUM email address.
259 259  
260 -[[image:Informatik/Helpdesk/MatrixChat/WebHome/invitepeople1.png?width=1000&rev=1.2||alt="invitepeople1.png" width="1000"]]
261 -
262 -
263 -[[image:/Informatik/Helpdesk/MatrixChat/WebHome/invitepeople2.png?width=1000&rev=1.2||alt="invitepeople2.png" width="1000"]]
264 -
265 -
266 266  The invitation will appear in the element chat window and must be accepted.
267 267  
268 -[[image:/invitepeople.png?width=1000&rev=1.2||alt="invitepeople.png" width="1000"]]
165 +[[image:invitepeople2.png||height="263" width="686"]]
269 269  
270 270  
271 271  ----