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Last modified by Stefan Schwalb on 2023/08/28 20:39
From version 22.1
edited by Aysegül Omus
on 2023/08/23 00:58
on 2023/08/23 00:58
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To version 23.1
edited by Aysegül Omus
on 2023/08/23 18:55
on 2023/08/23 18:55
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... ... @@ -3,19 +3,19 @@ 3 3 4 4 = Establishing a Matrix Chat = 5 5 6 -You can log in to Matrix with ITO, TUM email addresses or create an account with a different email address and use it to log in and chat with the people who have registered on the Matrix server. 7 7 8 -There are two Matrix servers of ITO. These Matrix servers are available as web but also as client. It can be found as web interface under the following links: 9 - 10 10 11 - 1 [[ (ITO- ID)>>url:]] 12 - 1 [[ (LRZ-TUM-ID)>>url:]] 8 +== What is matrix? == 13 13 14 -You can log in any of them with the appropriate ID and password. 15 15 11 +Matrix is a chat system very similar to E-Mail. People have their account on one server but can write messages to anyone on other servers. For example can communicate with 16 16 17 - If youwant to useyour anotheremailaddress youcancreatean accounton [[this website>>]]and thenlogintoMatrix.13 +You can create end-to-end encrypted personal or group chats that are not stored and dependent on a central authority like most other tools (ms teams, whatsapp, zoom, ...) . All your messages are synced between all your devices - web clients, desktop clients, smartphone apps. For additional security, encryption keys of contacts can be verified and then stored as trusted. 18 18 15 + 16 + 17 + 18 + 19 19 And[[ Here>>url:]] you can find installation for IOS, Android, Mac, Linux and Windows. 20 20 21 21 ... ... @@ -65,9 +65,10 @@ 65 65 Password: cit.tum Password 66 66 ))) 67 67 68 -[[image:rbgaccountlogineng1.png||height="369" width="601"]] 69 69 69 +[[image:Screenshot 2023-08-23 at 18.16.21.png||height="474" width="609"]] 70 70 71 + 71 71 [[image:rbgaccountlogineng2.png||height="377" width="608"]] 72 72 73 73 ... ... @@ -83,16 +83,21 @@ 83 83 [[image:addroom3.png||height="738" width="617"]] 84 84 85 85 86 -== Invite into the chat room==87 +== Invite into the chat == 87 87 89 +There are two types of chat, personal or group chat. You can create either personal or group chats. 90 + 91 +For group chats, you can click the button **Invite to this room** to invite people to that chat. You can also privatly chat with other people in Matrix. If you want to chat with a member privatly, click on the **+-Button** beside **People** in the program or on the web interface. 92 + 93 + 88 88 **Requirement**: The member which is been invited has registered once on the Matrix Server. 89 89 90 90 **Note**: If you have only released the room for the cit.tum or TUM user, only people who are registered on the cit.tum or tum server can access this room. 91 91 92 -If you want to invite new members to the room, click the button **Invite to this room**. 93 93 94 94 [[image:addroom4.png||height="636" width="616"]] 95 95 101 +[[image:startchat1.png||height="202" width="633"]] 96 96 97 97 Enter followings in the opened window: 98 98 ... ... @@ -120,49 +120,3 @@ 120 120 and send the invitation to the e-mail address of the person to be invited. The invitation will appear in the matrix chat window and must be accepted. 121 121 122 122 123 -[[image:invitetotestroom.png||height="593" width="622"]] 124 - 125 - 126 -=== invite to the private chat === 127 - 128 - 129 -**Requirement**: The member which is been invited has registered once on the Matrix Server. 130 - 131 - 132 -You can also privatly chat with other in Matrix. If you want to chat with a member privatly, click on the **+-Button** beside **People** in the program or on the web interface. 133 - 134 -[[image:startchat1.png||height="202" width="633"]] 135 - 136 - 137 -Enter followings in the opened window: 138 - 139 -**For ITO Accounts**: e.g. 140 - 141 -(% class="box infomessage" %) 142 -((( 143 144 -))) 145 - 146 -**For TUM Accounts: **e.g. 147 - 148 -(% class="box infomessage" %) 149 -((( 150 - 151 -))) 152 - 153 -**For other Accounts: ** e.g. 154 - 155 -(% class="box infomessage" %) 156 -((( 157 - name, email address, username @username:homeserver 158 -))) 159 - 160 -and send the invitation to the e-mail address of the person to be invited. [[image:invitepeople1.png||height="298" width="687"]] 161 - 162 - 163 -The invitation will appear in the element chat window and must be accepted. 164 - 165 -[[image:invitepeople2.png||height="263" width="686"]] 166 - 167 - 168 -----