Changes for page Matrix

Last modified by Stefan Schwalb on 2023/08/28 20:39

From version 2.2
edited by Aysegül Omus
on 2023/08/21 15:18
Change comment: There is no comment for this version
To version 13.1
edited by Aysegül Omus
on 2023/08/22 00:06
Change comment: There is no comment for this version



Page properties
... ... @@ -1,11 +1,6 @@
1 1  = Establishing a Matrix Chat =
2 2  
3 3  
4 -
5 -{{toc/}}
6 -
7 -
8 -
9 9  There are two Matrix-Servers:
10 10   1 (LRZ-ID)
11 11   1 (ITO-ID)
... ... @@ -12,15 +12,14 @@
12 12  
13 13  You can log in any of them with the appropriate ID and password.
14 14  The Matrix Server is available as web but also as client. It can be found as web interface under the following links:
15 -[[ (ITOID)>>]]
16 16  
11 +[[ (ITO- ID)>>url:]]
17 17  
18 -[[ (LRZ-TUM-ID)>>]]
13 +[[ (LRZ-TUM-ID)>>url:]]
19 19  
20 20  
21 -[[ Here>>]] you can find installation for IOS, Android, Mac, Linux and Windows.
16 +[[ Here>>url:]] you can find installation for IOS, Android, Mac, Linux and Windows.
22 22  
23 -
24 24  [[image:elementdriver.png||width="1000"]]
25 25  
26 26  
... ... @@ -27,12 +27,11 @@
27 27  == Log in ==
28 28  
29 29  
30 -
31 31  === Log in to the web interface with TUM login data ===
32 32  
33 33  
34 34  
35 -{{{Webseite:
28 +{{{webpage:
36 36  
37 37  ID: LRZ-ID (without or
38 38  
... ... @@ -47,18 +47,13 @@
47 47  
48 48  
49 49  
43 +[[image:matrixanmeldentum.png]]
50 50  
51 51  
52 -[[image:matrixanmeldentum.png||width="1000"]]
53 53  
54 -
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58 -
59 59  === Log in to the web interface with cit.tum login data ===
60 60  
61 -{{{Webseite:
49 +{{{webpage:
62 62  
63 63  ID: ITO(cit.tum)-ID (without
64 64  
... ... @@ -67,21 +67,12 @@
67 67  }}}
68 68  
69 69  
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72 -
73 73  [[image:elemtrbgin.png||width="1000"]]
74 74  
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79 79  [[image:matrixanmeldenIntum.png||width="1000"]]
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81 81  
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85 85  ----
86 86  
87 87  == Create new chat room ==
... ... @@ -90,63 +90,28 @@
90 90  If you want to create a new chat room, first click the +-Button next to **Rooms** in the program or on the web inferface and then enter the name of the chat room. You can also block users on other servers from joining the room or enable encryption. You can't change these settings later.
91 91  
92 92  
72 +todo- screenshot
93 93  
94 -[[image:createroom+.png||width="1000"]]
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96 96  
97 -
98 98  [[image:createroom2.png||width="1000"]]
99 99  
100 100  
101 -
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105 -=== Explore rooms ===
106 -
107 -
108 -It is also possible to make the room public. Then the chat room is visible to others and can be found via **Explore rooms**. This setting can be changed later.
109 -
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112 -[[image:explorerooms.png||width="1000"]]
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118 -[[image:explorerooms2join.png||width="1000"]]
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125 125  The chat room **Test-RBG** is private, so it is not visible to others and participants can only join the room by invitation.
126 126  
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129 129  [[image:createroomtestrbg.png||width="1000"]]
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131 131  
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136 136  == Invite into the chat room ==
137 137  
138 138  
139 -
140 140  **Requirement**: The member which is been invited has registered once on the same TUM/ITO Matrix Server
141 141  
142 142  If you want to invite new members to the room, click the button **Invite to this room** at the top right of the program or the web interface.
143 143  
144 -
145 -
146 146  [[image:invitetothisroom1.png||width="1000"]]
147 147  
148 148  
149 -
150 150  Enter followings in the opened window:
151 151  
152 152  **For in.tum or ma.tum Accounts**: e.g.
... ... @@ -164,30 +164,20 @@
164 164  
165 165  and send the invitation to the e-mail address of the person to be invited, that means to the ITO(cit.tum) or TUM email address.
166 166  
167 -
168 -
169 169  [[image:invitetothisroom.png||width="1000"]]
170 170  
171 171  
114 +The invitation will appear in the matrix chat window and must be accepted.
172 172  
173 -
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175 -
176 -The invitation will appear in the element chat window and must be accepted.
177 -
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179 -
180 180  [[image:maxmustereinladungaccept.png||width="1000"]]
181 181  
182 182  
119 +=== invite to the private chat ===
183 183  
184 184  
185 -== private chat ==
186 -
187 -
188 188  **Requirement**: The member which is been invited has registered once on the same TUM/ITO Matrix Server
189 189  
190 -You can also privatly chat with other in !Element. If you want to chat with a member privatly, click on the **+-Button** beside **People** in the program or on the web interface.
124 +You can also privatly chat with other in Matrix. If you want to chat with a member privatly, click on the **+-Button** beside **People** in the program or on the web interface.
191 191  
192 192  
193 193  
... ... @@ -194,19 +194,15 @@
194 194  [[image:startchat1.png||width="1000"]]
195 195  
196 196  
197 -
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199 -
200 -
201 201  Enter followings in the opened window:
202 202  
203 -**For cit.tum Accounts**: e.g.
133 +**For ITO Accounts**: e.g.
204 204  
205 205  {{{
206 206  
207 207  }}}
208 208  
209 -**For TUM Accounts:**
139 +**For TUM Accounts: **e.g.
210 210  
211 211  {{{
212 212  
... ... @@ -215,696 +215,15 @@
215 215  
216 216  and send the invitation to the e-mail address of the person to be invited, that means to the ITO(cit.tum) or TUM email address.
217 217  
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222 222  [[image:invitepeople1.png||width="1000"]]
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228 228  [[image:invitepeople2.png||width="1000"]]
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234 -
235 235  The invitation will appear in the element chat window and must be accepted.
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239 239  [[image:invitepeople.png||width="1000"]]
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241 241  
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250 -== keys for encrypted rooms ==
251 -
252 -
253 -After the first login, the following window appears. Here you can either generate a **Security Key** or a **Security Phrase**. The following screenshot shows how to generate a security key. **This key or passphrase must be entered at every login, to make sure encrypted messages can be decrypted. **
254 -
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257 -[[image:setupsecurebackup1.png||width="1000"]]
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264 -Next step you can download or copy the security key. If you click on **Download**, a .txt file with security key will be downloaded. The decryption is now only possible with this key, if you log out and login again.
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269 -[[image:saveyoursecuritykeydownload.png||width="1000"]]
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276 -The next time you login, the window below will appear. You can select **Use recovery key** or skip this step.
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280 -[[image:verifythisloginuserecoverykey1sonra.png||width="1000"]]
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287 -Then you can enter the **Security Key** or upload the text file with the **Security Key**.
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291 -[[image:securitykeycontinue2sonra.png||width="1000"]]
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298 -Then click on **DONE** and you can see the encrypted messages.
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302 -[[image:sessionverifieddone3sonra.png||width="1000"]]
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309 -If you lost the recovery key or forgot the passphrase, you can create a new key or enter a new passphrase, especially when you setup your new laptop or you have to log out. Otherwise. the encrypted messages cannot be read.
310 -To do this, click on the **symbol with 3 dots** beside your user name and select **Security and Privacy**. Security and Privacy settings can also be found in **All Settings** .
311 -
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313 -
314 -[[image:testrbg3punkte.png||width="1000"]]
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321 -Then click on **delete backup**.
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325 -[[image:settinggssecurityprivacydeletebackup.png||width="1000"]]
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332 -----
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334 -== User Settings ==
335 -
336 -
337 -These settings can be found on your own user name. There is a **symbol with 3 dots** (on the web interface there is another symbol). After you click on it, a list of opens. Now you can select **All Settings**, **Security and Privacy**, **Notifications Settings**, **Feedback** and **Logout** from the list.
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341 -[[image:testrbg3punkte.png||width="1000"]]
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348 -=== All Settings ===
349 -
350 -
351 -If you select **All Settings** under User Settings, you can see all detailed settings in the opened window.
352 -
353 -==== General ====
354 -
355 -
356 -In General Settings you can enter or change **username**, **language**, **e-mail address** and **phone nummer**. You can also upload, remove or change the **Profile Picture**.
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360 -[[image:settingsgeneral.png||width="1000"]]
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367 -==== Appearance ====
368 -
369 -
370 -You can change the **appearance** settings, which will only affect the cur session.
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374 -[[image:settingsappearance2.png||width="1000"]]
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380 -[[image:settingsappearance.png||width="1000"]]
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387 -==== Flair ====
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390 -These settings are irrelevant if you don't belong to any community.
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393 -==== Notifications ====
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396 -You can set when and how you want to be notified.
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400 -[[image:settingsnotifications.png||width="1000"]]
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407 -==== Preferences ====
408 -
409 -
410 -Settings for **Room list**, **Composer**, **Timeline** etc.
411 -
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413 -
414 -[[image:allsettingsspreferencessettings.png||width="1000"]]
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420 -[[image:allsettingspreferencessettings2.png||width="1000"]]
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427 -==== Voice & Video ====
428 -
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430 -Settings for **Audio Output**, **Microphone**, and Camera. These settings are only available in element App. Peer-to-peer can also be activated for 1-1 call.
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434 -[[image:allsettingsvoiceandvideoapp.png||width="1000"]]
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441 -The following settings are available on the web interface.
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445 -[[image:settingsvoiceandvideo.png||width="1000"]]
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452 -==== Security and Privacy ====
453 -
454 -
455 -In this area you can see with which devices you have been logged on Element. You can mark these sessions and delete them.
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459 -[[image:allsettingssecurityandprivacy1.png||width="1000"]]
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466 -Then there is area for **Key backup**. You can restore or delete the session.
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470 -[[image:allsettingssecurityandprivacy2.png||width="1000"]]
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477 -There are also settings for **Message search**, **Cross-signing** and **Advanced**.
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481 -[[image:allsettingssecurityandprivacy3.png||width="1000"]]
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488 -==== Help & About ====
489 -
490 -
491 -Here are the settings for **Bug reporting**, **FAQ**, **Versions**, **Legal**, **Credits** and **Advanced**.
492 -
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495 -[[image:allsettingshelpandabout.png||width="1000"]]
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501 -[[image:allsettingshelpandabout2.png||width="1000"]]
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509 -----
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511 -== Settings for People ==
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515 -=== General ===
516 -
517 -==== Show options ====
518 -
519 -
520 -On the left side of **People**, you can view and adjust the options for all people.
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524 -[[image:peoplelistoptions1.png||width="900"]]
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530 -[[image:personenallg3punkte.png||width="900"]]
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537 -==== Start chat ====
538 -
539 -
540 -You can invite other users to a chat room or chat privately, if you click on the **+ button** on the left side of people.
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544 -[[image:startchat1.png||width="1000"]]
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552 -=== Room Settings ===
553 -
554 -
555 -You can adjust the room settings for private chat by clicking the gear icon at the top.
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559 -[[image:maxmustersettings.png||width="900"]]
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565 -[[image:roomsettingsmaxmuster.png||width="900"]]
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572 -=== Share room ===
573 -
574 -
575 -If you click on **Share room** at the top, you can share the room with other users.
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579 -[[image:maxmustershareroom.png||width="900"]]
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585 -[[image:maxmustersharerrom2.png||width="900"]]
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592 -=== Manage Integrations ===
593 -
594 -
595 -If you click the third symbol at the top, you can select existing integrations and add new integrations.
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599 -[[image:maxmustermanageintegrations.png||width="900"]]
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606 -=== Search ===
607 -
608 -
609 -If you click on the **Magnifying glass symbol** at the top, you can search for a word in the chat. The message with this search word will be displayed. You can search for a word in the current chat room or in all chat rooms.
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613 -[[image:maxmustersearch.png||width="900"]]
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619 -[[image:maxmustersearch2.png||width="900"]]
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626 -=== Show/hide members ===
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628 -
629 -If you click the **person symbol** at the top, you can show or hide members.
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633 -[[image:maxmustermembers.png||width="900"]]
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639 -[[image:maxmustermembers2.png||width="900"]]
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644 -=== Files ===
645 -
646 -If you click the **file symbol** at the top right, you can see all the files that were shared in the chat. If you select a file, you can download or remove it.
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650 -[[image:maxmusterfiles.png||width="900"]]
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657 -=== Notifications ===
658 -
659 -If you click the last symbol on the top right corner, you can see all the notifications in the chat. There you can also see the messages from other chat users. If you click on a message, the message of the person in the corresponding chat room will be displayed. 
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663 -[[image:maxmusternotifications.png||width="900"]]
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667 -[[image:maxmusternotifications2.png||width="900"]]
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674 -=== Room options ===
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677 -If you click on a **Person** in people, the settings are displayed. The **symbol with 3 dots** leads to room options.
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681 -[[image:peopleroomoptions.png||width="900"]]
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685 -[[image:peoplepunksymbollinks.png||width="900"]]
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690 -=== Notification options ===
691 -
692 -
693 -The symbol with **bell** stands for notification options. You can adjust the notification for the selected person.
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697 -[[image:peoplenotificationoptions.png||width="900"]]
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701 -[[image:peoplenotificationsymbollinks.png||width="900"]]
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711 -== Settings for rooms ==
712 -
713 -
714 -=== General ===
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717 -==== Show options ====
718 -
719 -
720 -On the left side of rooms, you can display and adjust the options for all rooms.
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724 -[[image:roomslistoptions2.png||width="900"]]
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731 -==== Create new room ====
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733 -
734 -If you click the + button, you can create a new chat room.
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738 -[[image:+addroom.png||width="900"]]
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744 -[[image:+addroom2.png||width="900"]]
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751 -=== Room Options ===
752 -
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754 -If you click the **gear icon** at the top, you can adjust the room settings for chat room.
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758 -[[image:testrbgsettings.png||width="900"]]
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764 -[[image:roomsettings.png||width="900"]]
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771 -=== Share room ===
772 -
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774 -If you click on **Share room** at the top, you can share the room with other users.
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778 -[[image:roomshareroom.png||width="900"]]
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784 -[[image:roomshareroom2copy.png||width="900"]]
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791 -=== Manage Integrations ===
792 -
793 -
794 -If you click the third symbol at the top, you can select existing integrations and add new integrations.
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798 -[[image:roommanageintegrations.png||width="900"]]
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805 -=== Search ===
806 -
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808 -
809 -
810 -
811 -If you click on the **Magnifying glass symbol** at the top, you can search for a word in the chat. The message with this search word will be displayed. You can search for a word in the current chat room or in all chat rooms.
812 -[[image:roomsearch.png||width="900"]]
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821 -=== Show/hide members ===
822 -
823 -
824 -If you click the **person symbol** at the top, you can show or hide members.
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828 -[[image:roommembers.png||width="900"]]
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834 -[[image:roommembers2.png||width="900"]]
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839 -=== Files ===
840 -
841 -
842 -If you click the **file symbol** at the top right, you can see all the files that were shared in the chat. If you select a file, you can download or remove it.
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846 -[[image:roomsfiles.png||width="900"]]
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853 -=== Notifications ===
854 -
855 -
856 -If you click the last symbol on the top right corner, you can see all the notifications in the chat. There you can also see the messages from other chat users. If you click on a message, the message of the person in the corresponding chat room wil be displayed. 
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860 -[[image:roomnotifications.png||width="900"]]
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867 -=== Room options ===
868 -
869 -
870 -If you click on a **Person** in people, the settings are displayed. The **symbol with 3 dots** leads to room options.
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874 -[[image:roomsroomoptions.png||width="900"]]
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880 -[[image:peoplepunksymbollinks.png||width="900"]]
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887 -=== Notification options ===
888 -
889 -
890 -The symbol with **bell** stands for notification options. You can adjust the notification for the selected person.
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894 -[[image:testrbgnotificationoptions.png||width="900"]]
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900 -[[image:peoplenotificationsymbollinks.png||width="900"]]
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908 -= Important KB-Links (the website is only available in MWN Network): =
909 -
910 -1 [[Platzhalter für gelöschte Nachrichten anzeigen/verbergen>>]]