Changes for page Matrix
Last modified by Stefan Schwalb on 2023/08/28 20:39
From version 11.1
edited by Aysegül Omus
on 2023/08/22 00:03
on 2023/08/22 00:03
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To version 32.1
edited by Aysegül Omus
on 2023/08/25 19:54
on 2023/08/25 19:54
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... ... @@ -1,163 +1,191 @@ 1 +{{toc/}} 2 + 1 1 = Establishing a Matrix Chat = 2 2 3 3 6 +== What is Matrix? == 4 4 5 5 6 -There are two Matrix-Servers: 7 - 1 (LRZ-ID) 8 - 1 (ITO-ID) 9 +Matrix is a chat system very similar to E-Mail. People have their account on one server but can write messages to anyone on other servers. For example can communicate with 9 9 10 -You can log in any of them with the appropriate ID and password. 11 -The Matrix Server is available as web but also as client. It can be found as web interface under the following links: 11 +You can create end-to-end encrypted personal or group chats that are not stored and dependent on a central authority like most other tools (ms teams, whatsapp, zoom, ...). All your messages are synced between all your devices - web clients, desktop clients, smartphone apps. For additional security, encryption keys of contacts can be verified and then stored as trusted. 12 12 13 - [[>>url:]]13 +You can use either the desktop version or the web interface of matrix. 14 14 15 - [[>>url:]]15 +== Sign in == 16 16 17 +=== Sign in to the desktop version === 17 17 18 -[[ Here>>url:]] you can find installation for IOS, Android, Mac, Linux and Windows. 19 19 20 -[[ image:elementdriver.png||width="1000"]]20 +[[ Here>>url:]] you can find installation for IOS, Android, Mac, Linux and Windows. 21 21 22 +[[image:matrixdownload.png||height="284" width="575"]] 22 22 23 -== Log in == 24 24 25 25 26 +If you have a CIT or TUM Account, you can sign in wit your login data. 26 26 27 -=== Log in to the web interface with TUM login data === 28 +(% class="wikigeneratedid" %) 29 +For this you need the following homeserver: 28 28 31 +(% class="box infomessage" %) 32 +((( 33 +CIT homeserver: 34 +))) 29 29 36 +(% class="box infomessage" %) 37 +((( 38 +TUM homeserver: 39 +))) 30 30 31 - {{{Webseite:https://matrix.tum.de41 +[[image:elementdesktopversionlogineng.png||height="745" width="558"]] 32 32 33 -ID: LRZ-ID (without or 43 +(% class="wikigeneratedid" %) 44 +[[image:signinediteng.png||height="606" width="557"]] 34 34 35 -Password: LRZ/TUM Password 46 +(% class="wikigeneratedid" %) 47 +[[image:desktopelementengcit2.png||height="609" width="556"]] 36 36 37 37 38 -}}} 50 +(% class="wikigeneratedid" %) 51 +And the login data as follow: 39 39 53 +(% class="wikigeneratedid" %) 54 +CIT: 40 40 56 +(% class="box" %) 57 +((( 58 +username: CIT-ID (without 59 +))) 41 41 42 -[[image:matrixrbgTUM.png||width="1000"]] 43 - 44 - 45 - 46 -[[image:matrixanmeldentum.png]] 47 - 48 - 49 - 50 -=== Log in to the web interface with cit.tum login data === 51 - 52 -{{{Webseite: 53 - 54 -ID: ITO(cit.tum)-ID (without 55 - 61 +(% class="box" %) 62 +((( 56 56 Password: cit.tum Password 64 +))) 57 57 58 -}}} 66 +(% class="wikigeneratedid" %) 67 +TUM: 59 59 69 +(% class="box" %) 70 +((( 71 +username: LRZ-ID (without or 72 +))) 60 60 61 -[[image:elemtrbgin.png||width="1000"]] 74 +(% class="box" %) 75 +((( 76 +Password: LRZ/TUM Password 77 +))) 62 62 79 +(% class="wikigeneratedid" %) 80 +[[image:desktopelementengcit3.png||height="522" width="582"]] 63 63 64 64 65 -[[image:matrixanmeldenIntum.png||width="1000"]] 66 66 84 +=== Sign in to the web interface === 67 67 68 ----- 69 69 70 - ==Createnew chat room==87 + If you have a CIT or TUM account you can sign in to the web interface of the CIT or TUM otherwise you can create a matrix account freely on [[https:~~/~~/>>]] . 71 71 72 72 73 - Ifyou wantto create a new chatroom,first click the +-Button next to **Rooms** in the program or on the webinferfaceandthen enter the name ofthe chatroom. You can also block users on other servers from joining the room or enable encryption. You can't change these settings later.90 +==== With TUM login data ==== 74 74 75 75 76 -todo- screenshot 93 +(% class="box" %) 94 +((( 95 +Webpage: https:~/~/ 96 +))) 77 77 98 +(% class="box" %) 99 +((( 100 +username: LRZ-ID (without or 101 +))) 78 78 103 +(% class="box" %) 104 +((( 105 +Password: LRZ/TUM Password 106 +))) 79 79 80 -[[image: createroom2.png||width="1000"]]108 +[[image:tumaccountlogineng1.png||height="329" width="582"]] 81 81 82 82 83 - The chat room**Test-RBG** is private, soit isnotvisible toothers and participants canonly jointheroom byinvitation.111 +[[image:tumaccountlogineng2n.png||height="357" width="581"]] 84 84 85 -[[image:createroomtestrbg.png||width="1000"]] 86 86 87 87 88 -== Inviteintothe chatroom==115 +==== With CIT login data ==== 89 89 117 +(% class="box" %) 118 +((( 119 +Webpage: https:~/~/ 120 +))) 90 90 91 -**Requirement**: The member which is been invited has registered once on the same TUM/ITO Matrix Server 122 +(% class="box" %) 123 +((( 124 +username: CIT-ID (without 125 +))) 92 92 93 -If you want to invite new members to the room, click the button **Invite to this room** at the top right of the program or the web interface. 127 +(% class="box" %) 128 +((( 129 +Password: cit.tum Password 130 +))) 94 94 95 -[[image:invitetothisroom1.png||width="1000"]] 96 96 133 +[[image:Screenshot 2023-08-23 at 18.16.21.png||height="446" width="573"]] 97 97 98 -Enter followings in the opened window: 99 99 100 - **Forin.tumorma.tum Accounts**:e.g.@musterma:cit.tum.de136 +[[image:rbgaccountlogineng2.png||height="353" width="569"]] 101 101 102 - {{{@cit.tum-ID:cit.tum.de138 +== Create a new chat room == 103 103 104 - }}}140 +If you want to create a new chat room, first click the **+**-Button next to **Rooms** in the program or on the web inferface and then enter the name of the chat room. 105 105 106 - **ForTUM Accounts:**142 +[[image:addroom1new.png||height="284" width="567"]] 107 107 108 -{{{ 109 109 110 - }}}145 +You can also block users on other servers from joining the room or enable encryption. You can't change these settings later. The chat room **TestRoom** is private, so it is not visible to others and participants can only join the room by invitation. If you create a public room, anyone will be able to find and join this room. You can change this at any time from room settings. 111 111 147 +[[image:addroom3.png||height="673" width="563"]] 112 112 113 -and send the invitation to the e-mail address of the person to be invited, that means to the ITO(cit.tum) or TUM email address. 114 114 115 - [[image:invitetothisroom.png||width="1000"]]150 +== Invite People into the chat == 116 116 152 +You can create either private or group chats and invite other people to the chat room. You can also join to these group chats to participate in existing conversations. If they are already on Matrix, enter their Matrix ID (like If they are not, enter their email address and they will be invited to join. 117 117 118 - Theinvitationwillappearinthe matrixchatwindow andmustbe accepted.154 +**Note**: If you have only released the room for the CIT or TUM user, only people who are registered on the CIT or TUM server can access this room. 119 119 120 -[[image:maxmustereinladungaccept.png||width="1000"]] 121 121 157 +Click the button **Invite to this room** to invite people to the group chat. 122 122 123 - ===invitetotherivatechat ===159 +[[image:addroom4new.png||height="571" width="553"]] 124 124 125 125 126 - **Requirement**:Thememberwhichisbeeninvitedhasregisteredonceon thesameTUM/ITO Matrix Server162 +If you want to chat with a member privatly, click on the **+-Button** beside **People** in the program or on the web interface. 127 127 128 - You can also privatly chat with otherin Matrix. If you want tochatwith a memberprivatly, click onthe**+-Button** beside **People** in the program or on thewebinterface.164 +[[image:startchat1.png||height="177" width="555"]] 129 129 166 +Enter the following Matrix ID's in the opened window: 130 130 168 +**For CIT Accounts**: e.g. 131 131 132 -[[image:startchat1.png||width="1000"]] 170 +(% class="box infomessage" %) 171 +((( 172 173 +))) 133 133 134 - 135 -Enter followings in the opened window: 136 - 137 -**For ITO Accounts**: e.g. 138 - 139 -{{{ 140 - 141 -}}} 142 - 143 143 **For TUM Accounts: **e.g. 144 144 145 -{{{ 177 +(% class="box infomessage" %) 178 +((( 179 + 180 +))) 146 146 147 - }}}182 +**For other Accounts: ** e.g. 148 148 184 +(% class="box infomessage" %) 185 +((( 186 + @username:domain 187 +))) 149 149 150 -and send the invitation to the e-mail address of the person to be invited ,thatmeansto theITO(cit.tum)orTUMemailaddress.189 +and send the invitation to the e-mail address of the person to be invited. The invitation will appear in the Matrix chat window and must be accepted. 151 151 152 -[[image:invitepeople1.png||width="1000"]] 153 - 154 - 155 -[[image:invitepeople2.png||width="1000"]] 156 - 157 - 158 -The invitation will appear in the element chat window and must be accepted. 159 - 160 -[[image:invitepeople.png||width="1000"]] 161 - 162 - 163 ----- 191 +[[image:invitetotestraum.png||height="309" width="548"]]