Mail as .eml File
For analysis of various E-Mail properties, you may be asked to send a Mail in the .eml format.
It contains the Mail content as well as the "headers" that contain internal information such as the path the mail took, timestamps or the spam mail analysis.
Thunderbird Mail
Right click on the wanted Email.
Click on ''Save as...''.
Choose where to save the .eml File.
Outlook uses .msg Files, which we need to convert to .eml.
Select an email on the message list, click the File menu and choose the Save as option. The Save As dialog box will open. Point to the desired folder and choose Outlook message format or Outlook message format - Unicode from the file type drop-down menu
Click on New > Email message.
On the message list, select an email you want to export and drop it onto the body of the new email.
This will attach the email as an .eml file to the new message.
Now save it with the type ''All Files'' and writhe the ending .eml.
Now is the Email saved as .eml.
At Webmail click on the Email.
Click on ''More''.
Click on ''Download (.eml)''.
File is downloaded as .eml.
Apple Mail
Select the email.
Click on the File tab at the top and select Save as from the list.
Select the storage location and rename the file name.
Then the file is saved as mymessage.eml, which you can send as an email attachment.