Network Address Book
How can I set up CIT address book ?
This describes how to configure the CIT LDAP address book in the email program. You need this if you want the mail program to automatically find the addresses of your colleagues. This address book is also used for the automatic exchange of certificates if you want to send encrypted e-mails.
0. The most important information in brief
Name: CIT Server address: Port: 636 Base DN: ou=dir,dc=cit,dc=tum,dc=de Bind DN: <empty> Search filter: (objectclass=rbgContact)
1. Linux - Thunderbird
Click on Thunderbird in the menu at the top and select Account Settings.
Select Composition & Addressing on the left and then select Use a different Ldap Server by Addressing and then click on Edit Directories.
In the opened window click Add.
Click here on General and paste the following data there:
Then go to the Advanced tab and fill in the fields as follows and click OK:
- Scope: Subdirectories
- Search filter: (objectclass=rbgContact)
- Access method: Simple
Click OK again.
Select in the next step CIT from the dropdown menu.
When you write an e-mail, you can search for the person and their e-mail address as in the CIT address book. To do this, click on Extras -> Address book
If you search for e.g. Musterma, all names and e-mail addresses with this search term will be displayed.
2. Apple - Thunderbird
Click on Thunderbird in the menu above and select Settings.
Select Compose on the left, then check Ldap Directory Server and then click Edit.
In the opened window click on Add.
First click on General.
And insert the following data there:
* Name: CIT * Server address: * Port: 636 * Base DN: ou=dir,dc =cit,dc=tum,dc=de
Then switch to the Advanced tab and fill in the fields as follows and click OK:
* Scope:Subdirectories * Search filter: (objectclass=rbgContact) * Access method:Simple
As a last step select CIT as LDAP directory server and close the window.
When you write an e-mail, you can search for the person and their e-mail address in the LDAP server as shown in the screenshot. For example, if you search for Muster, all names and email addresses with the search word Muster will be displayed.
You can find your address books in the menu bar at the top of Window and search for a person there as well.
3. Apple - Mail Programm
First click on Mail and then on Accounts at the top of the menu.
From there, select Add Other Account....
Select LDAP account.
In the opened window, insert the following data and click Sign In:
* Description: CIT * Base DN: ou=dir,dc=cit,dc=tum,dc=de * Scope:Subtree * Server address: * Port: 636
When composing an e-mail, write the name of the person in the recipient field and the e-mail address will be searched for and displayed in LDAP.
4. Windows - Outlook 2016 & Outlook 2019
Click on File in the menu.
Then click on Account Settings and then on the sub-item Account Settings.
Switch to the Address books tab and then click on New.
Select the Internet Directory Service (LDAP) option and click Next.
Enter the following server name in the Servername field: Then click More settings.
Click OK here to restart Outlook.
Click on More Settings again.
Switch to the Search tab and enter the following there and confirm your settings with OK:
Custom: ou=dir,dc=cit,dc=tum,dc=de
Then click Next.
Click Finish.
Finally, click Close and restart Outlook.
To search for a person's email address, do the following:
While composing an email, click To...
- Under Address book, select the configured Ldap server
- Enter Search in the input field, enter the user ID, first or last name of the person you are looking for
- Click on OK.