Changes for page Account-Beantragung

Last modified by Aysegül Omus on 2024/02/23 14:33

From version 1.1
edited by wikibot
on 2023/02/05 20:31
Change comment: Imported from foswiki
To version 9.1
edited by Aysegül Omus
on 2024/02/23 14:32
Change comment: There is no comment for this version



Page properties
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1 -Kennungbeantragen
1 +Wie kann ich eine CIT Kennung beantragen?
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1 -XWiki.wikibot
1 +XWiki.kahraman
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1 -= Applying for in.tum account for non informatics / mathematics students =
1 += Applying for a CIT account for non-CIT students =
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5 -{{toc/}}
5 +== 1. CIT Students ==
6 6  
7 7  
8 +Wenn Sie an der Fakultät TUM School of Computation, Information and Technology studieren, bekommen Sie automatisch eine CIT Kennung. Ihr CIT If you study at the TUM School of Computation, Information, and Technology, you will automatically receive a CIT identifier. Your CIT account will be linked to your TUM account and is valid as long as your TUM account is valid. Your data (surname, first name, date of birth, student number) will be taken from your TUM account.
8 8  
9 -== 1.guest students ==
10 +== 2. CIT Employees/Guests/Assistants from other universities or faculties of the TUM ==
10 10  
11 -**Note**: during the corona time you can get your ID from the RBG. To do this, please write an email to with the following information:
12 +If you work at a chair or at the school office, please contact your chair administrator so that he/she can apply for a CIT account in the StructureDB for you and manage it later. If you don't know who your chair admin is, please feel free to send us an email to [[>>]]. Your chair admin is then the contact person for problems with the account and can, for example, enter the cost center for FollowMe.
12 12  
13 - First name,
14 -* Surname,
15 -* Date of birth,
16 -* Matriculation number,
17 -* LRZ identifier (e.g. lr89rbg)
18 -* Degree program,
19 -* Reason for the application
14 +== 3. Guest Students ==
20 20  
21 -Students who attend an informatics lecture but are not computer science students at the TUM can fill in the following application form.
22 -they muss have it signed and stamped by the lecturer and hand it to informatics info-Point. The application can be obtained from the informatics / mathematics Info-Point.
16 +If you have events at the TUM School of Computation, Information and Technology (CIT), you can apply for a CIT account from IT Operations. Please also write the name of the event.
23 23  
24 -[[image:Antrag.jpg||width="700"]]
18 + First name:
19 + Last name:
20 + Birth date:
21 + Student number:
22 + LRZ identifier (e.g. lr89ito):
23 + Course of study:
24 + Reason for request:
25 25  
26 -== 2. Assistants from other universities or faculties of the TUM ==
26 +== 4. FAQ's ==
27 27  
28 -Students, who belong to a chair, they should contact their chair admin, who can request an identification for them via the !StrukturDB.
28 +1. I have forgotten my CIT ID, who should I contact? (% style="color:navy" %)If you have forgotten your ID, please feel free to send us an email to [[>>]]. Please also tell us your LRZ ID!
29 +1. My CIT account details are incorrect, how can I have them changed? (% style="color:navy" %)If you are a guest auditor or CIT student, you can contact us by email at If you are an employee/guest or student assistant from another faculty, please contact your chair admin(%%).
30 +1. I have forgotten my CIT password, how can I change it? (% style="color:navy" %)You can change it yourself on this [[page>>]]. In our [[Wiki>>ücksetzen]], you will find instructions on how to change the CIT password(%%).
31 +1. My name has changed, I would like to have it changed. (% style="color:navy" %)Who is the contact person? Please write us an email to [[>>]](%%).
29 29  
30 -== 3. Accounts in the corona time ==
31 31  
32 -**Note**: during the corona time you can get your ID from the RBG. To do this, please write an email to with the following information:
33 33  
34 - First name,
35 -* Surname,
36 -* Date of birth,
37 -* Matriculation number,
38 -* LRZ identifier (e.g. lr89rbg)
39 -* Degree program,
40 -* Reason for the application
41 -
42 -(% style="color:red" %)Note(%%):(% style="color:navy" %) If you have forgotten your RBG (in.tum / ma.tum) password, you can change it on this [[page>>]] yourself. In our [[Wiki>>ücksetzen]] you will find instructions for changing the RBG password.(%%)
35 +