Wie kann ich eine CIT Kennung beantragen?
Last modified by Aysegül Omus on 2024/02/23 12:31
Applying for in.tum account for non informatics / mathematics students
1. Guest students
If you have events at the TUM School of Computation, Information and Technology (CIT), you can apply for a CIT account from IT Operations. Please also write the name of the event.
First name,
- Surname,
- Date of birth,
- Matriculation number,
- LRZ identifier (e.g. lr89ito)
- Degree program,
- Reason for the application
Note: If you have forgotten your CIT password, you can change it on this page yourself. In our Wiki you will find instructions for changing the CIT password.
2. Assistants from other universities or faculties of the TUM
Students, who belong to a chair, they should contact their chair admin, who can request an identification for them via the StrukturDB.