Wiki source code of CIT-Account

Last modified by Jonas Jelten on 2024/11/07 13:46

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1 For many services at the School of Computation, Information and Technology you need a "CIT account".
3 Account management: [](
5 A CIT account is optimized for using it with IT services (e.g. [[Mail|doc:CIT.ITO.Docs.Services.E-Mail.WebHome]], [[BBB videoconference|doc:CIT.ITO.Docs.Services.BigBlueButton.WebHome]] or [[Matrix chat|doc:CIT.ITO.Docs.Services.Matrix.WebHome]]) or in the buildings (e.g. the printing system) of CIT. The account is managed with StrukturDB.
7 ## How-To
9 * [[Get an account|doc:.Application.WebHome]]
10 * [[Change your password|doc:.PasswordChange.WebHome]]
11 * [[Extend account validity|doc:.Extension.WebHome]]
12 * [[Automatic security checks for passwords|doc:.Password Check.WebHome]]