Changes for page Time Machine
Last modified by Nico Greger on 2024/03/26 14:24
From version 12.1
edited by Aysegül Omus
on 2024/03/26 13:46
on 2024/03/26 13:46
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... ... @@ -1,1 +1,1 @@ 1 -Time 1 +TimeMachineBackup - Author
... ... @@ -1,1 +1,1 @@ 1 -XWiki.k ahraman1 +XWiki.wikibot - Content
... ... @@ -1,85 +1,79 @@ 1 - Thisdescribes how you can use the ITO's Time MachineBackup Server.1 += Time Machine = 2 2 3 +Here it is described how to use Time Machine Backup Server of RBG Informatik. 4 + 5 + 6 + 3 3 {{toc/}} 4 4 5 -= 0. Conditions = 6 6 7 7 8 - TheTime Machine Backup Service is available to all employees of the TUM School ofComputation, Information andTechnology (CIT). Please apply for the service atthe ITO at the email address [[>>]]with the following information:11 +== 0.Conditions == 9 9 10 -{{code language="none"}} 11 -optional chair number: 12 -First and Last Name: 13 -CIT login: 14 -Hard drive size: 15 -{{/code}} 13 +The Time Machine Backup Service is available to all computer science and mathematics employees. Please apply for the service at RBG at the email address with the following information: 14 +{{{ 15 +Chair number: 16 +First and last name: 17 +IN / MA-Login: 18 +Hard disk size: 19 +}}} 16 16 17 -= 1. 21 +== 1.The most important information in brief == 18 18 19 -The URL to the Time Machine Share is for the CIT username ##$CIT-username##: 23 +For computer science: 24 +{{{ 20 20 21 -{{code language="none"}} 22 -smb://$CIT-username 23 -{{/code}} 26 +afp:// 27 +}}} 24 24 25 - (%class="wikigeneratedid" %)26 - The username and password are the CIT username and password.29 +For mathematics 30 +{{{ 27 27 28 -= 2. Connect to the Time Machine Backup Server = 32 +afp:// 33 +}}} 29 29 30 -Im Finder unter **//Go//** auf** //Connect to Server//** klicken 31 -[[image:timemachinegehezu.png]] 35 +== 2.Connect to Time Machine Backup Server == 32 32 37 +Click **Connect** to Server under **Go** in the Finder 33 33 34 -Enter the server address, click on //**Connect**,// and enter **##smb:~/~/$CIT-username##** as the server address. ##$CIT-username## is the CIT username. 35 -[[image:backupmitserververbinden.png]] 36 36 37 -Click on **Connect** in the opened window. 38 38 39 -[[image:timemachine verbinden.png]]41 + [[image:|| width="547" height="389" alt="bild01.png"]] 40 40 41 -Enter the **CIT username** and **the associated password** as the login name and password. 42 -[[image:zugriffauftimemachine.png]] 43 43 44 44 45 -= 3. Time Machine configuration = 46 46 47 -Open the **System Settings**. 48 -[[image:systemeinstellungen.png]] 46 +Enter the server address and click on **Connect** 49 49 50 -click on **//Time Machine//**. 51 -[[image:timemachine.png]] 52 52 53 -Click on **//Configure volume//**. 54 -[[image:volumekonfigurieren.png]] 49 + [[image:|| width="482" height="229" alt="bild02.png"]] 55 55 56 56 57 -Enter your **CIT username** and **Password** and click **//Connect//**. 58 -[[image:zugriffauftimemachine.png]] 59 59 60 60 61 -En cryptioncan alsobe activatedhereifdesired.Youcan alsosetyour passwordto restore the data.54 +Enter the RBG login (also called or login) as login name and the corresponding password 62 62 63 -(% class="box warningmessage" %) 64 -((( 65 -Restoring your data is not possible without this password. 66 -))) 67 67 68 - Makethepreferred changes herendclick**//Done//**.57 + [[image:|| width="424" height="234" alt="bild03.png"]] 69 69 70 - [[image:timemachinekonfiguration.png]]59 +== 3.Time Machine configuration == 71 71 61 +Open the system settings 72 72 73 73 64 + [[image:|| width="254" height="316" alt="bild04.png"]] 74 74 75 75 76 76 77 77 69 + Click on **Time Machine** 78 78 79 79 72 + [[image:|| width="679" height="540" alt="bild05.png"]] 80 80 81 81 82 82 76 + [[image:|| width="679" height="540" alt="bild05.png"]] 83 83 84 84 85 85 ... ... @@ -87,4 +87,24 @@ 87 87 88 88 89 89 90 - 84 + 85 +Click on **Select Disk** 86 + 87 + 88 + [[image:|| width="669" height="441" alt="bild06.png"]] 89 + 90 + 91 + 92 + 93 +Select Time Machine Backup Server - //encryption can be enabled here if desired//. A separate encryption password may be requested. 94 + 95 + 96 + [[image:|| width="644" height="436" alt="bild07.png"]] 97 + 98 + 99 + 100 + 101 +If you previously used a different hard drive than Time Machine, you can decide here whether you want to continue using it or discard the settings for it. (Stand OS X 10.8) This way you can easily configure multiple backups in different locations. 102 + 103 + 104 + [[image:|| width="661" height="443" alt="bild08.png"]]