Wiki source code of Druckenrechnerhalle

Last modified by Fedi Abichou on 2023/07/05 16:19

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Aysegül Omus 17.2 2 <span class='WYSIWYG_COLOR ' style='color:Red'> **Requirements:**</span>
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Aysegül Omus 17.2 5 |= Function|= condition
6 | Print / Print from USB | You need a CIT account to print from the black boxes or the web interface. You also need contingent.
7 | copy | Works directly on the printer, this requires a student card with a charged credit.
8 | Scan to e-mail | Anyone can scan and work with any e-mail address. 
9 | Scan to USB | Works directly on the printer.
10 | Print from USB |Only USB sticks with FAT or FAT32 file systems are supported.
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Aysegül Omus 17.2 12 = Printing in the Computer Labs =
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Aysegül Omus 17.2 14 To print in the Computer Labs you should log in first to the Blackbox. In the 'kleine Rechnerhalle' (00.07.023), there are two
15 printers. However, you can use any Xerox Printer in the [[FMI, Garching Hochbrueck, and Galileo>>]]. To be able to print you must have a print Quota which you can buy from the Fachschaft. You also get 50 pages free per semester.
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Aysegül Omus 17.2 19 {{toc/}}
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Aysegül Omus 17.2 23 == Where can I buy Print Quota? ==
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Aysegül Omus 17.2 25 You can buy your Print Quota from the Fachschaft. For more information you can visit the Fachschaft website [[Fachschaft website>>]].
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Aysegül Omus 17.2 27 You can check if your print Quota is credited, by typing the following command in Terminal
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Aysegül Omus 17.2 29 {{{lpquota
30 }}}
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Aysegül Omus 17.2 32 At the beginning of the semester, students receive 50 pages **for free**. (E.g. for matriculation certificate for the MVV, etc.). Just check the exact number of available pages by using lpquota.
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Aysegül Omus 17.2 34 ----
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Aysegül Omus 17.2 36 ++ Ubuntu
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Aysegül Omus 17.2 38 The command lpquota runs on the lxhalle and in the computer labs with Linux operating system. Just enter the command lpquota in the terminal.
Leonardo Comin 10.1 39
Aysegül Omus 17.2 40 If you want to remotely access the Ubuntu account and see if there is enough print contingent, you can start an ssh connection to lxhalle and run the command lpquota.
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Aysegül Omus 17.2 42 The following commands are entered in the terminal:
43 {{{ssh lpquota}}}
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Aysegül Omus 17.2 45 ----
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Aysegül Omus 17.2 47 ++ Windows
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Aysegül Omus 17.2 49 On the black boxes with the Windows operating system in the computer halls, you can look up the print contingent by entering the following commands in the command prompt:
50 {{{putty lpquota }}}
51 If you want to access the Windows account from home and query the print contingent, you can use Putty to establish a remote connection and enter the command **lpquota**.
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Aysegül Omus 17.2 53 [[Here>>]] is how to build an SSH (Secure Shell) connection to lxhalle with Putty.
54 After logging in, you can enter the command **lpquota** in the puTTY prompt.
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Aysegül Omus 17.2 57 **Example (for user 'nobody')**:
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Aysegül Omus 17.2 61 {{html wiki="true"}}
62 <sticky> </sticky>
63 {{/html}}
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Aysegül Omus 17.2 65 nobody@lxhalle: $ lpquota
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Aysegül Omus 17.2 67 {{{|===== Abfrage des Druckerquotas fuer 'nobody' =====|
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Aysegül Omus 17.2 69 Kontingent 300 Seiten
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Aysegül Omus 17.2 72 }}}
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Aysegül Omus 17.2 74 ----
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Aysegül Omus 17.2 76 == Accounting ==
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Aysegül Omus 17.2 78 Pages are counted by the printers and quota system. In **duplex** mode (default) the count is per printed side of the paper. Color pages count double that of black and white pages. A3 pages count as two A4 pages. The page count will be displayed on the card reader during printing and changes accordingly.
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Aysegül Omus 17.2 80 please print {{html wiki="true"}}<span class='WYSIWYG_COLOR ' style='color:Red'>PDF-Files</span>{{/html}} with {{html wiki="true"}}<span class='WYSIWYG_COLOR ' style='color:Red'>Document Viewer</span>{{/html}} on {{html wiki="true"}}<span class='WYSIWYG_COLOR ' style='color:Red'>Linux</span>{{/html}}
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Aysegül Omus 17.2 82 == Available printers ==
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Aysegül Omus 17.2 84 Please visit the [[Wiki>>]] for more information about printing.
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Aysegül Omus 17.2 86 The print jobs can be printed out at any Xerox Printer in the [[FMI, Garching Hochbrueck, and Galileo>>]]. Just put your Card on the card reader and select 'Druckjobliste' or 'Alles Drucken' on the display.
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Aysegül Omus 17.2 88 == Printing options ==
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Aysegül Omus 17.2 90 **You have the following possibilities to print documents**:
Leonardo Comin 10.1 91
Aysegül Omus 17.2 92 . Save the document on a **USB stick** and print directly from the printer. All settings can be edited on the printer.
Leonardo Comin 10.1 93
Aysegül Omus 17.2 94 . Print the document **directly from CIT account**. In the PDF editor go to File > Print and adjust the desired settings. In the next section, you will find more information on how to edit settings.
Leonardo Comin 10.1 95
Aysegül Omus 17.2 96 . You can print documents via ****. However, please note that the settings can only be edited on the printer. No settings can be edited on the qpilot website.**
wikibot 1.1 98
Aysegül Omus 17.2 99 . You can print documents from your personal computer **via the terminal** with the command. {{{ssh lpr < docname.pdf }}}If double-sided or white/black is desired, the following parameters must be provided. {{{ssh lpr -o sides=two-sided-long-edge -o JCLColorCorrection=BlackWhite < docname.pdf }}}
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Aysegül Omus 17.2 102 == Printing using various programs ==
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Aysegül Omus 17.2 104 === Printing with Document Viewer (Linux): ===
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Aysegül Omus 17.2 106 The first clues to the error can already be found here
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Aysegül Omus 17.2 108 The print menu can be called up with **File** → **Print** (Alternativ: **Strg+P**).
Aysegül Omus 15.1 109
Aysegül Omus 17.2 110 *First setting:
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Aysegül Omus 17.2 112 When you're printing for the first time, some default settings need to be changed, otherwise the printers will not be able to print your received job. These are the settings for page size and Paper source. Since the printers are loaded with A3 and A4 size paper, error messages sometimes occur if the job was not sent in either format. And since the paper size is clearly linked to the paper source, the default value **Tray 1** (A3) is not always correct. It should be configured as follows:
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Aysegül Omus 17.2 114 [[image:print1.png||width="550"]]
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Aysegül Omus 17.2 116 Adjust color:
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Aysegül Omus 17.2 118 If you want to print in color, you should not click on Color, but on Advanced. **Automatic** means colored here.
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Aysegül Omus 17.2 120 [[image:print2.png||width="550"]]
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Aysegül Omus 17.2 122 Send a print job:
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Aysegül Omus 17.2 124 As already mentioned in the topic Available printers, check that followme is selected before sending your Print job. In this step, you should also select the number of copies that you need.
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Aysegül Omus 17.2 128 == Troubleshooting ==
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Aysegül Omus 17.2 130 === I clicked on print, but the printer just does not print! ===
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Aysegül Omus 17.2 132 ==== Case 1 - Is there enough quota? ====
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Aysegül Omus 17.2 134 In the Linux machines simply select **Applications** -> **System** -> **Print Quota**
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Aysegül Omus 17.2 136 or just enter in Terminal (in the Computer hall under **Applications** -> **Accessories** -> **Terminal**)
137 {{{lpquota }}}
138 and check how many pages are available. The output is similar to this:
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Aysegül Omus 17.2 140 {{{|===== Abfrage des Druckerquotas fuer 'user' =====|
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Aysegül Omus 17.2 142 Kontingent 300 Seiten
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Aysegül Omus 17.2 145 }}}
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Aysegül Omus 17.2 147 Often, problems occur when you don't have enough quota left to print a document. This must then be purchased again from the Fachschaft.
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Aysegül Omus 17.2 149 ==== Case 2 - I have enough quota - but no expression ====
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Aysegül Omus 17.2 151 Has the queue **followme** been selected?
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Aysegül Omus 17.2 153 In some cases the printer has not been selected, a click has been made, or **Print to File** has been specified. In the lab currently, only the queue **followme** is configured.
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Aysegül Omus 17.2 155 Will you print directly from Firefox? In this case, it often helps to select **Print to file ...** in Firefox and create a PDF file. This can then usually be printed out without any problems.
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Aysegül Omus 17.2 157 ==== Case 3 - I selected **followme** and quota - but no printout ====
159 Just have a look at our helpdesk (Kleine Rechhnerhalle 00.07.023 in the rear). It may be necessary to refill the paper or it may be a different error condition that needs to be resolved.