Changes for page Helpdesk
Last modified by Jonas Jelten on 2025/02/04 15:02
From version 81.1
edited by Aysegül Omus
on 2024/11/21 11:33
on 2024/11/21 11:33
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... ... @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ 38 38 39 39 = __{{html wiki="true"}}<span class='WYSIWYG_COLOR ' style='color:Navy'>1.Blackbox / Files</span>{{/html}}__ = 40 40 41 -Everything that has to do with [[BlackBoxen>>I nformatik.Benutzerwiki.BlackBox]] and the filesystem.41 +Everything that has to do with [[BlackBoxen>>CIT.ITO.Docs.Guides.BlackBox.WebHome]] and the filesystem. 42 42 43 43 == 1.1. Remote == 44 44 ... ... @@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ 79 79 80 80 Information on hosting an overview of your CIT account. 81 81 82 -=== 2.1.1. [[Account Information (Student/Coworker/Guest)>>I nformatik.Helpdesk.Account]] ===82 +=== 2.1.1. [[Account Information (Student/Coworker/Guest)>>CIT.ITO.Docs.Guides.Helpdesk.Account.WebHome]] === 83 83 84 84 === 2.1.2. [[Change the password of the CIT-Credentials>>CIT.ITO.Docs.Services.CIT-Account.PasswordChange.WebHome]] === 85 85 ... ... @@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ 139 139 140 140 === 3.2.2. [[TUM Exchange>>Informatik.Helpdesk.TumExchange]] === 141 141 142 -=== 3.2.3. [[TUM Address book>>I nformatik.Helpdesk.AddressBook]] ===142 +=== 3.2.3. [[TUM Address book>>CIT.ITO.Docs.Guides.Helpdesk.AddressBook.WebHome]] === 143 143 144 144 === 3.2.4. [[TUM e-mail account after exmatriculation/ end of employment/ end of study>>CIT.ITO.Docs.Guides.Mailaccount.WebHome]] === 145 145 ... ... @@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ 153 153 154 154 === 4.3. [[Group certificate request, download>>CIT.ITO.Docs.Services.Certificates.Client Certificate.Wie kann ich ein Gruppenzertifikat beantragen?.WebHome]] === 155 155 156 -=== 4.4. [[ITO Certificate set up, extend>>I nformatik.Helpdesk.BenutzerZertifikateInstallieren]] ===156 +=== 4.4. [[ITO Certificate set up, extend>>CIT.ITO.Docs.Services.Certificates.Client Certificate.BenutzerZertifikateInstallieren.WebHome]] === 157 157 158 158 === 4.5. [[Export TUM/ITO certificate>>CIT.ITO.Docs.Services.Certificates.Client Certificate.Export of a user certificate.WebHome]] === 159 159 ... ... @@ -167,30 +167,30 @@ 167 167 168 168 All Information about the Xerox Printers. 169 169 170 -== 5. General Information about the Xerox Printers == 170 +=== 5. General Information about the Xerox Printers === 171 171 172 -== 5.1. [[Printing in the Rechnerhalle with FollowMe>>]] == 172 +=== 5.1. [[Printing in the Rechnerhalle with FollowMe>>]] === 173 173 174 -== 5.2. [[Print from USB-Stick with XEROX Work Centre 7835>>]] == 174 +=== 5.2. [[Print from USB-Stick with XEROX Work Centre 7835>>]] === 175 175 176 -== 5.3. [[Print from the web on Qpilot>>Informatik.Helpdesk.Druckenucentral]] == 176 +=== 5.3. [[Print from the web on Qpilot>>Informatik.Helpdesk.Druckenucentral]] === 177 177 178 -== 5.4. [[Printing Thesis, Seminar, etc>>Informatik.Helpdesk.Printer]] == 178 +=== 5.4. [[Printing Thesis, Seminar, etc>>Informatik.Helpdesk.Printer]] === 179 179 180 -== (% style="font-family:inherit;font-size:max(20px, min(24px, 12.888889px + 0.925926vw))" %)5.5.(%%)[[Copy with XEROX Work Centre 7835>>||style="font-family: inherit; font-size: max(20px, min(24px, 12.888889px + 0.925926vw));"]] ==180 +=== 5.5. [[Copy with XEROX Work Centre 7835>>]] === 181 181 182 -== 5.6. [[FollowMe: Driver installation and setup>>]] == 182 +=== 5.6. [[FollowMe: Driver installation and setup>>]] === 183 183 184 -== (% style="font-family:inherit;font-size:max(20px, min(24px, 12.888889px + 0.925926vw))" %)5.7.(%%)[[FollowMe:>>||style="font-family: inherit; font-size: max(20px, min(24px, 12.888889px + 0.925926vw));"]](% style="font-family:inherit; font-size:max(20px, min(24px, 12.888889px + 0.925926vw))" %) (%%)[[Xerox-Printer Card registration>>||style="font-family: inherit; font-size: max(20px, min(24px, 12.888889px + 0.925926vw));"]] ==184 +=== 5.7. [[Xerox-Printer Card registration>>]] === 185 185 186 -== 5.8. [[Collect your prints from Xerox Work Centre 7835 >>]] == 186 +=== 5.8. [[Collect your prints from Xerox Work Centre 7835 >>]] === 187 187 188 -== 5.9. (% style="font-family:inherit; font-size:14px" %)(%%)[[Scan to USB-Stick with the XEROX Work Centre 7835>>||style="font-family: inherit; font-size: 14px;"]] ==188 +=== 5.9. [[Scan to USB-Stick with the XEROX Work Centre 7835>>]] === 189 189 190 190 === 5.10. [[Xerox - Printer locations>>]] === 191 191 192 -== == 193 193 193 + 194 194 = __{{html wiki="true"}}<span class='WYSIWYG_COLOR ' style='color:Navy'>6. Ordering Software</span>{{/html}}__ = 195 195 196 196 **All information about ordering Software within the master contracts (Matlab, Microsoft, us.).** ... ... @@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ 203 203 204 204 == 6.2. Microsoft Azure Dev Tools for Teaching (Students / Employees) == 205 205 206 -=== 6.2.1. [['Microsoft Azure Dev Tools for Teaching' replaces Microsoft Imagine>>I nformatik.Helpdesk.Microsoftimagine]] ===206 +=== 6.2.1. [['Microsoft Azure Dev Tools for Teaching' replaces Microsoft Imagine>>CIT.ITO.Docs.Guides.Microsoftazure.WebHome]] === 207 207 208 208 === 6.2.2. [[Instructions for Microsoft Azure portal products>>Informatik.Helpdesk.AnleitungfuerMicrosoftAzure]] === 209 209 ... ... @@ -217,12 +217,16 @@ 217 217 218 218 == 6.4. Other software products == 219 219 220 -=== 6.4.1. [[ AdobePro>>Informatik.Helpdesk.AdobePro]] ===220 +=== 6.4.1. [[Information about software products on Studisoft and other TUM portals>>doc:.Infos über Softwareprodukte auf Studisoft .WebHome]] === 221 221 222 -=== 6.4.2. [[ Origin>>Informatik.Helpdesk.Origin]] ===222 +=== 6.4.2. [[Adobe Pro>>Informatik.Helpdesk.AdobePro]] === 223 223 224 -=== 6.4.3. [[ Thinkcell>>Informatik.Helpdesk.Thinkcell]] ===224 +=== 6.4.3. [[Origin>>Informatik.Helpdesk.Origin]] === 225 225 226 +=== 6.4.4. [[Thinkcell>>Informatik.Helpdesk.Thinkcell]] === 227 + 228 +=== 6.4.5. [[How can I install and configure SAP>>]] === 229 + 226 226 = __{{html wiki="true"}}<span class='WYSIWYG_COLOR ' style='color:Navy'>7. Network / Internet</span>{{/html}}__ = 227 227 228 228 **All information about Network connections and the Internet within the FMI Building.**