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Last modified by Jonas Jelten on 2025/02/04 15:02
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edited by Aysegül Omus
on 2023/10/23 12:52
on 2023/10/23 12:52
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... ... @@ -68,9 +68,11 @@ 68 68 69 69 === 1.2.5. [[Teamviewer installieren>>Informatik.Helpdesk.Teamviewer]] === 70 70 71 +=== 1.2.6. [[Install Dropbox on the black box >>Informatik.Benutzerwiki.DropBoxBlackBox]] === 72 + 73 + 71 71 = __{{html wiki="true"}}<span class='WYSIWYG_COLOR ' style='color:Navy'>2. Account</span>{{/html}}__ = 72 72 73 -=== 1.2.6. [[Install Dropbox on the black box >>Informatik.Benutzerwiki.DropBoxBlackBox]] === 74 74 75 75 76 76 == 2.1. ITO (in.tum/ma.tum/cit.tum) == ... ... @@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ 93 93 94 94 === 2.1.8. [[My name has changed. Can I change my ITO-Credentials?>>Informatik.Helpdesk.NamensAenderung]] === 95 95 96 -=== 2.1.9. [[Account after Exmatrikulation / End of Service/ End of Study>>I nformatik.Helpdesk.Accountverlaengern]] ===98 +=== 2.1.9. [[Account after Exmatrikulation / End of Service/ End of Study>>CIT.ITO.Docs.Services.E-Mail.Accountverlaengern.WebHome]] === 97 97 98 98 === 2.1.10. [[Request of in.tum/ma.tum/cit.tum Credentials for Non-Informatics / Non-Mathematics>>Informatik.Helpdesk.Kennungbeantragen]] === 99 99 ... ... @@ -113,21 +113,21 @@ 113 113 114 114 All informations about hosting and set up of ITO mail addresses. 115 115 116 -=== 3.1.1. [[How do I set up my ITO e-mail account?>>I nformatik.Helpdesk.CittumEmail.WebHome]] ===118 +=== 3.1.1. [[How do I set up my ITO e-mail account?>>CIT.ITO.Docs.Services.E-Mail.CIT-Mail.WebHome]] === 117 117 118 118 === 3.1.2. [[Self Service Portal: Forwarding, Vacation Message, other e-mail settings>>Informatik.Helpdesk.IntumMatumEmailWeiterleitungAbwesenheitsnotiz]] === 119 119 120 120 === 3.1.3. [[Change of mail server settings due to mail server sender restrictions>>Informatik.Helpdesk.MailserverAbsenderbeschraenkung]] === 121 121 122 -=== 3.1.4. [[How do I set up the CIT LDAP address book?>>I nformatik.Helpdesk.Citldap]] ===124 +=== 3.1.4. [[How do I set up the CIT LDAP address book?>>CIT.ITO.Docs.Services.E-Mail.LDAP Address Book.WebHome]] === 123 123 124 -=== 3.1.5. [[Shared folder in the CIT domain>>I nformatik.Helpdesk.CitSharedFolder]] ===126 +=== 3.1.5. [[Shared folder in the CIT domain>>CIT.ITO.Docs.Services.E-Mail.SharedFolder.WebHome]] === 125 125 126 -=== 3.1.6. [[Shared Folder (gemeinsames Postfach)({{html wiki="true"}}<span class='WYSIWYG_COLOR ' style='color:Navy'~>Informatik</span~>{{/html}})>>I nformatik.Helpdesk.Sharedfolder]] ===128 +=== 3.1.6. [[Shared Folder (gemeinsames Postfach)({{html wiki="true"}}<span class='WYSIWYG_COLOR ' style='color:Navy'~>Informatik</span~>{{/html}})>>CIT.ITO.Docs.Services.E-Mail.SharedFolderIN.WebHome]] === 127 127 128 -=== 3.1.7. [[Function Address ({{html wiki="true"}}<span class='WYSIWYG_COLOR ' style='color:Navy'~>Mathematik</span~>{{/html}})>>I nformatik.Helpdesk.Funktionsadresse]] ===130 +=== 3.1.7. [[Function Address ({{html wiki="true"}}<span class='WYSIWYG_COLOR ' style='color:Navy'~>Mathematik</span~>{{/html}})>>CIT.ITO.Docs.Services.E-Mail.SharedFolderMA.WebHome]] === 129 129 130 -=== 3.1.8. [[ITO e-mail account after exmatriculation/ end of employment/ end of study>>I nformatik.Helpdesk.Accountverlaengern]] ===132 +=== 3.1.8. [[ITO e-mail account after exmatriculation/ end of employment/ end of study>>CIT.ITO.Docs.Services.E-Mail.Accountverlaengern.WebHome]] === 131 131 132 132 === 3.1.9.[[Save the message as an .eml file>>Informatik.Helpdesk.Emldatei]] === 133 133 ... ... @@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ 149 149 150 150 === 4.2. [[Certificate request, download>>Informatik.Helpdesk.BenutzerZertifikate]] === 151 151 152 -=== 4.3. [[Group certificate request, download>>CIT.ITO.Docs. Guides.GruppenzertifikatBeantragen.WebHome]] ===154 +=== 4.3. [[Group certificate request, download>>CIT.ITO.Docs.Services.Client Certificate.Apply for a group certificate .WebHome]] === 153 153 154 154 === 4.4. [[ITO Certificate set up, extend>>Informatik.Helpdesk.BenutzerZertifikateInstallieren]] === 155 155 ... ... @@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ 157 157 158 158 === 4.6. [[Set up TUM/ITO certificate on a mobile device>>Informatik.Helpdesk.Zertifikataufmobilemgeraeteinrichten]] === 159 159 160 -=== 4.7. [[Digital signature with certificate>>I nformatik.Helpdesk.DigitaleUnterschrift]] ===162 +=== 4.7. [[Digital signature with certificate>>CIT.ITO.Docs.Services.Client Certificate.Wie erstelle ich eine digitale Unterschrift mit Zertifikat?.WebHome]] === 161 161 162 162 === 4.8. [[Validation of digital signature>>Informatik.Helpdesk.DigitaleUnterschriftValidieren]] === 163 163 ... ... @@ -243,21 +243,21 @@ 243 243 244 244 === 7.1.2. [[eduVPN>>]] === 245 245 246 -=== 7.1.3. [[VPN Chair ({{html wiki="true"}}<span class='WYSIWYG_COLOR ' style='color:Navy'~>Employees only</span~>{{/html}})>>I nformatik.Helpdesk.Vpn]] ===248 +=== 7.1.3. [[VPN Chair ({{html wiki="true"}}<span class='WYSIWYG_COLOR ' style='color:Navy'~>Employees only</span~>{{/html}})>>CIT.ITO.Docs.Services.VPN.WebHome]] === 247 247 248 248 == 7.2.Lan == 249 249 250 250 === 7.2.1. [[Using LAN-Cabel in the Rechnerhalle/FMI-Study rooms>>Informatik.Helpdesk.Lan]] === 251 251 252 -=== 7.2.2. [[Informatics Proxy>>I nformatik.Helpdesk.Network]] ===254 +=== 7.2.2. [[Informatics Proxy>>CIT.ITO.Docs.Services.Proxy.WebHome]] === 253 253 254 -=== 7.2.3. [[Request an IP Address ({{html wiki="true"}}<span class='WYSIWYG_COLOR ' style='color:Navy'~>Employees ONLY</span~>{{/html}}) >>I nformatik.Helpdesk.Vpn]](Contact your Struktur-DB - administrator) ===256 +=== 7.2.3. [[Request an IP Address ({{html wiki="true"}}<span class='WYSIWYG_COLOR ' style='color:Navy'~>Employees ONLY</span~>{{/html}}) >>CIT.ITO.Docs.Services.VPN.WebHome]](Contact your Struktur-DB - administrator) === 255 255 256 256 = __{{html wiki="true"}}<span class='WYSIWYG_COLOR ' style='color:Navy'>8. Other</span>{{/html}}__ = 257 257 258 258 === 8.1. [[Matrix Chat>>CIT.ITO.Docs.Services.Matrix.WebHome]] === 259 259 260 -=== 8.2. [[Big Blue Button>>I nformatik.Helpdesk.BigBlueButton]] ===262 +=== 8.2. [[Big Blue Button>>CIT.ITO.Docs.Services.BigBlueButton.WebHome]] === 261 261 262 262 === 8.3. [[Instructions for the ITO order form (only for employees of the faculties of Informatics and Mathematics)>>Informatik.Helpdesk.AnleitungFuerBestellformular]] === 263 263