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Last modified by Jonas Jelten on 2025/02/04 15:02
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edited by Aysegül Omus
on 2023/03/23 12:52
on 2023/03/23 12:52
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... ... @@ -145,10 +145,12 @@ 145 145 146 146 === 3.2.2. [[TUM Exchange>>Informatik.Helpdesk.TumExchange]] === 147 147 148 -=== 3.2.3. [[TUM e-mail account afterxmatriculation/endof employment/ end of study>>Informatik.Helpdesk.Mailaccount]] ===148 +=== 3.2.3. [[TUM Address book>>Informatik.Helpdesk.AddressBook]] === 149 149 150 -=== 3.2.4. [[ SharedMailboxat theTUM>>Informatik.Helpdesk.Sharedmailbox]] ===150 +=== 3.2.4. [[TUM e-mail account after exmatriculation/ end of employment/ end of study>>Informatik.Helpdesk.Mailaccount]] === 151 151 152 +=== 3.2.5. [[Shared Mailbox at the TUM>>Informatik.Helpdesk.Sharedmailbox]] === 153 + 152 152 {{id name="ZertifikaT"/}} 153 153 154 154 = __{{html wiki="true"}}<span class='WYSIWYG_COLOR ' style='color:Navy'>4. Certificates</span>{{/html}}__ = ... ... @@ -161,16 +161,14 @@ 161 161 162 162 === 4.4. [[RBG Certificate set up, extend>>Informatik.Helpdesk.BenutzerZertifikateInstallieren]] === 163 163 164 -=== 4.5. [[ 166 +=== 4.5. [[Export TUM/RBG certificate>>Informatik.Helpdesk.ZertifikatExportieren]] === 165 165 166 -=== 4.6. [[Set up LdapserveronyourownComputer>>Informatik.Helpdesk.LdapZertifikate]] ===168 +=== 4.6. [[Set up TUM/RBG certificate on a mobile device>>Informatik.Helpdesk.Zertifikataufmobilemgeraeteinrichten]] === 167 167 168 -=== 4.7. [[ Set upTUM/RBGcertificateon a mobile device>>Informatik.Helpdesk.Zertifikataufmobilemgeraeteinrichten]] ===170 +=== 4.7. [[Digital signature with certificate>>Informatik.Helpdesk.DigitaleUnterschrift]] === 169 169 170 -=== 4.8. [[ Digital signaturewith certificate>>Informatik.Helpdesk.DigitaleUnterschrift]] ===172 +=== 4.8. [[Validation of digital signature>>Informatik.Helpdesk.DigitaleUnterschriftValidieren]] === 171 171 172 -=== 4.9. [[Validation of digital signature>>Informatik.Helpdesk.DigitaleUnterschriftValidieren]] === 173 - 174 174 {{id name="DruckeN"/}} 175 175 176 176 = __{{html wiki="true"}}<span class='WYSIWYG_COLOR ' style='color:Navy'>5. Printing</span>{{/html}}__ = ... ... @@ -275,36 +275,47 @@ 275 275 276 276 {{id name="SonstigeS"/}} 277 277 278 -= __{{html wiki="true"}}<span class='WYSIWYG_COLOR ' style='color:Navy'>8. Other</span>{{/html}}__ =278 += __{{html wiki="true"}}<span class='WYSIWYG_COLOR ' style='color:Navy'>8. Netzlaufwerke einbinden</span>{{/html}}__ = 279 279 280 -=== 8.1. [[MatrixChat>>Informatik.Helpdesk.MatrixChat.WebHome]] ===280 +=== 9.1. [[TUM Netzlaufwerk>>Informatik.Helpdesk.TUMNetzlaufwerk.WebHome]] === 281 281 282 -=== 8.2. [[BigBlueButton>>Informatik.Helpdesk.BigBlueButton]] ===282 +=== 9.2. [[CIT Netzlaufwerk >>Informatik.Helpdesk.CITNetzlaufwerk.WebHome]] === 283 283 284 -=== 8.3. [[Instructions for theRBGorder form (only for employees ofthe faculties ofInformaticsand Mathematics)>>Informatik.Helpdesk.AnleitungFuerBestellformular]] ===284 +=== 9.3. [[RBG Netzlaufwerk >>Informatik.Helpdesk.RBGNetzlaufwerk.WebHome]] === 285 285 286 -=== 8.4. [[ChangetheSamba-password (Access on Userdirectory via Wiondows)>>Informatik.Helpdesk.AendernSambaPW]] ===286 +=== 9.3. [[SIM Netzlaufwerk >>Informatik.Helpdesk.SIMNetzlaufwerk.WebHome]] === 287 287 288 -=== 8.5. [[Sieve rules for the e-mail-filtering>>Informatik.Helpdesk.IntumEmailFilterregeln]] === 289 289 290 -= ==8.6. [[Time Machine Backup>>]]===289 += __{{html wiki="true"}}<span class='WYSIWYG_COLOR ' style='color:Navy'>9. Other</span>{{/html}}__ = 291 291 292 -=== 8.7. [[LinuxBorg Backup>>]] ===291 +=== 9.1. [[Matrix Chat>>Informatik.Helpdesk.MatrixChat.WebHome]] === 293 293 293 +=== 9.2. [[Big Blue Button>>Informatik.Helpdesk.BigBlueButton]] === 294 294 295 -= __{{htmlwiki="true"}}<spanclass='WYSIWYG_COLOR'style='color:Navy'>9.Frequentlyaskedquestions</span>{{/html}}__=295 +=== 9.3. [[Instructions for the RBG order form (only for employees of the faculties of Informatics and Mathematics)>>Informatik.Helpdesk.AnleitungFuerBestellformular]] === 296 296 297 +=== 9.4. [[Change the Samba-password (Access on User directory via Wiondows) >>Informatik.Helpdesk.AendernSambaPW]] === 298 + 299 +=== 9.5. [[Sieve rules for the e-mail-filtering>>Informatik.Helpdesk.IntumEmailFilterregeln]] === 300 + 301 +=== 9.6. [[Time Machine Backup>>]] === 302 + 303 +=== 9.7. [[Linux Borg Backup>>]] === 304 + 305 + 306 += __{{html wiki="true"}}<span class='WYSIWYG_COLOR ' style='color:Navy'>10. Frequently asked questions</span>{{/html}}__ = 307 + 297 297 Instructions on how to fix common errors and problems. 298 298 299 -=== 9.1. [[Thunderbird/ Firefox doesn't start anymore>>Informatik.Helpdesk.Probleme]] ===310 +=== 10.1. [[Thunderbird/ Firefox doesn't start anymore>>Informatik.Helpdesk.Probleme]] === 300 300 301 -=== 9.2. [[BlackBox login screen stops sesssion >>Informatik.Helpdesk.Probleme]] ===312 +=== 10.2. [[BlackBox login screen stops sesssion >>Informatik.Helpdesk.Probleme]] === 302 302 303 303 304 -= __{{html wiki="true"}}<span class='WYSIWYG_COLOR ' style='color:Navy'>1 0. Security</span>{{/html}}__ =315 += __{{html wiki="true"}}<span class='WYSIWYG_COLOR ' style='color:Navy'>11. Security</span>{{/html}}__ = 305 305 306 306 Instructions on how to fix malware problems 307 307 308 -=== 1 0.1. [[Ransomware: WannaCry>>Informatik.Helpdesk.WannaCry]] ===319 +=== 11.1. [[Ransomware: WannaCry>>Informatik.Helpdesk.WannaCry]] === 309 309 310 -=== 1 0.2. [[Windows Updates>>Informatik.Helpdesk.LrzWSUSUpdate]] ===321 +=== 11.2. [[Windows Updates>>Informatik.Helpdesk.LrzWSUSUpdate]] ===