Changes for page Helpdesk
Last modified by Jonas Jelten on 2025/02/04 15:02
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... ... @@ -1,1 +1,1 @@ 1 -XWiki. jelten1 +XWiki.kahraman - Content
... ... @@ -38,17 +38,17 @@ 38 38 39 39 = __{{html wiki="true"}}<span class='WYSIWYG_COLOR ' style='color:Navy'>1.Blackbox / Files</span>{{/html}}__ = 40 40 41 -Everything that has to do with [[BlackBoxen>>CIT.ITO.Docs. Services.BlackBox.WebHome]] and the filesystem.41 +Everything that has to do with [[BlackBoxen>>CIT.ITO.Docs.Guides.BlackBox.WebHome]] and the filesystem. 42 42 43 43 == 1.1. Remote == 44 44 45 -=== 1.1.1. [[Ssh Access>> CIT.ITO.Docs.Guides.Helpdesk.Ssh.WebHome]] ===45 +=== 1.1.1. [[Ssh Access>>Informatik.Helpdesk.Ssh]] === 46 46 47 -=== 1.1.2. [[Ssh Login without password>> CIT.ITO.Docs.Guides.Helpdesk.Ssh.WebHome||anchor="OpenSSHKey"]] (SSH Key set up) ===47 +=== 1.1.2. [[Ssh Login without password>>Informatik.Helpdesk.Ssh||anchor="OpenSSHKey"]] (SSH Key set up) === 48 48 49 49 === 1.1.3. [[Data transfer between Rechnerhalle and a private Computer>>CIT.ITO.Docs.Guides.Helpdesk.DatenTransfer.WebHome]] (Certificate, Pictures etc.) === 50 50 51 -=== 1.1.4. [[Run programs so they don't terminate at the logout>> CIT.ITO.Docs.Guides.Helpdesk.ProgrammeBeimLogoutNichtBeenden.WebHome]] ===51 +=== 1.1.4. [[Run programs so they don't terminate at the logout>>Informatik.Helpdesk.ProgrammeBeimLogoutNichtBeenden]] === 52 52 53 53 === 1.1.5. [[Remote Desktop Access>>]] === 54 54 ... ... @@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ 66 66 67 67 === 1.2.4. [[Change access rights for your home directory>>Informatik.Helpdesk.Zugriffsrechte]] === 68 68 69 -=== 1.2.5. [[Teamviewer installieren>> CIT.ITO.Docs.Guides.Helpdesk.Teamviewer.WebHome]] ===69 +=== 1.2.5. [[Teamviewer installieren>>Informatik.Helpdesk.Teamviewer]] === 70 70 71 71 === 1.2.6. [[Install Dropbox on the black box >>Informatik.Benutzerwiki.DropBoxBlackBox]] === 72 72 ... ... @@ -83,9 +83,9 @@ 83 83 84 84 === 2.1.2. [[Change the password of the CIT-Credentials>>CIT.ITO.Docs.Services.CIT-Account.PasswordChange.WebHome]] === 85 85 86 -=== 2.1.3. [[Find out the password of the CIT-Credentials>> CIT.ITO.Docs.Guides.Helpdesk.Passwortnachlesen.WebHome]] ===86 +=== 2.1.3. [[Find out the password of the CIT-Credentials>>Informatik.Helpdesk.Passwortnachlesen]] === 87 87 88 -=== 2.1.4. [[Reset the password of ITO-Credentials yourself / Activate the ITO Account>> CIT.ITO.Docs.Guides.Helpdesk.Passwortzurücksetzen.WebHome]] ===88 +=== 2.1.4. [[Reset the password of ITO-Credentials yourself / Activate the ITO Account>>Informatik.Helpdesk.Passwortzurücksetzen]] === 89 89 90 90 === 2.1.5. [[Reset password of the ITO-Credentials>>ücksetzen#]] === 91 91 ... ... @@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ 103 103 104 104 === 2.2.1. [[Apply for LRZ-Login for guests and external student assistants>>CIT.ITO.Docs.Guides.Helpdesk.Gastaccount.WebHome]] === 105 105 106 -=== 2.2.2. [[Personal Identification Number (PIN) for TUMonline >> CIT.ITO.Docs.Guides.Helpdesk.Pinfuertumonline.WebHome]] ===106 +=== 2.2.2. [[Personal Identification Number (PIN) for TUMonline >>Informatik.Helpdesk.Pinfuertumonline]] === 107 107 108 108 === 2.2.3. [[Reset Password for LRZ-Credentials>>CIT.ITO.Docs.Guides.Helpdesk.Lrzpasswortaenderung.WebHome]] === 109 109 ... ... @@ -135,15 +135,15 @@ 135 135 136 136 == 3.2. TUM (LRZ) == 137 137 138 -=== 3.2.1. [[How to set up an e-mail account?>> CIT.ITO.Docs.Guides.Helpdesk.TumEmail.WebHome]] ===138 +=== 3.2.1. [[How to set up an e-mail account?>>Informatik.Helpdesk.TumEmail]] === 139 139 140 -=== 3.2.2. [[TUM Exchange>> CIT.ITO.Docs.Guides.Helpdesk.TumExchange.WebHome]] ===140 +=== 3.2.2. [[TUM Exchange>>Informatik.Helpdesk.TumExchange]] === 141 141 142 142 === 3.2.3. [[TUM Address book>>CIT.ITO.Docs.Guides.Helpdesk.AddressBook.WebHome]] === 143 143 144 144 === 3.2.4. [[TUM e-mail account after exmatriculation/ end of employment/ end of study>>CIT.ITO.Docs.Guides.Mailaccount.WebHome]] === 145 145 146 -=== 3.2.5. [[Shared Mailbox at the TUM>> CIT.ITO.Docs.Guides.Helpdesk.Sharedmailbox.WebHome]] ===146 +=== 3.2.5. [[Shared Mailbox at the TUM>>Informatik.Helpdesk.Sharedmailbox]] === 147 147 148 148 = __{{html wiki="true"}}<span class='WYSIWYG_COLOR ' style='color:Navy'>4. Certificates</span>{{/html}}__ = 149 149 ... ... @@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ 175 175 176 176 === 5.3. [[Print from the web on Qpilot>>CIT.ITO.Docs.Guides.Helpdesk.Druckenucentral.WebHome]] === 177 177 178 -=== 5.4. [[Printing Thesis, Seminar, etc>> CIT.ITO.Docs.Guides.Helpdesk.Printer.WebHome]] ===178 +=== 5.4. [[Printing Thesis, Seminar, etc>>Informatik.Helpdesk.Printer]] === 179 179 180 180 === 5.5. [[Copy with XEROX Work Centre 7835>>]] === 181 181 ... ... @@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ 211 211 212 212 === 6.3.1. [[Instructions for MS Campus EES products (Office and Windows) >>CIT.ITO.Docs.Guides.Helpdesk.AnleitungfuerMsCampus.WebHome]] === 213 213 214 -=== 6.3.2. [[Activate Telnet with Windows 7 and Windows 10>> CIT.ITO.Docs.Guides.Helpdesk.TelnetAktivieren.WebHome]] ===214 +=== 6.3.2. [[Activate Telnet with Windows 7 and Windows 10>>Informatik.Helpdesk.TelnetAktivieren]] === 215 215 216 216 === 6.3.3. [[Iso Files / Burn images on DVD>>CIT.ITO.Docs.Guides.Helpdesk.Isobrennen.WebHome]] === 217 217 ... ... @@ -221,9 +221,9 @@ 221 221 222 222 === 6.4.2. [[Adobe Pro>>CIT.ITO.Docs.Guides.Helpdesk.AdobePro.WebHome]] === 223 223 224 -=== 6.4.3. [[Origin>> CIT.ITO.Docs.Guides.Helpdesk.Origin.WebHome]] ===224 +=== 6.4.3. [[Origin>>Informatik.Helpdesk.Origin]] === 225 225 226 -=== 6.4.4. [[Thinkcell>> CIT.ITO.Docs.Guides.Helpdesk.Thinkcell.WebHome]] ===226 +=== 6.4.4. [[Thinkcell>>Informatik.Helpdesk.Thinkcell]] === 227 227 228 228 === 6.4.5. [[How can I install and configure SAP>>]] === 229 229 ... ... @@ -257,9 +257,9 @@ 257 257 258 258 === 8.4. [[Set Up Network drive >>CIT.ITO.Docs.Guides.Helpdesk.Netzlaufwerk (Shared Folder).WebHome]] === 259 259 260 -=== 8.5. [[Set Up Nextcloud Calendar>> CIT.ITO.Docs.Guides.Helpdesk.NextcloudKalender.WebHome]] ===260 +=== 8.5. [[Set Up Nextcloud Calendar>>Informatik.Helpdesk.NextcloudKalender]] === 261 261 262 -=== 8.6. [[The New Award Note (VGV>> CIT.ITO.Docs.Guides.Helpdesk.VGV.WebHome]]) ===262 +=== 8.6. [[The New Award Note (VGV>>Informatik.Helpdesk.VGV]]) === 263 263 264 264 === 8.7. [[Change the Samba-password (Access on User directory via Windows) >>CIT.ITO.Docs.Guides.Helpdesk.AendernSambaPW.WebHome]] === 265 265 ... ... @@ -273,14 +273,14 @@ 273 273 274 274 Instructions on how to fix common errors and problems. 275 275 276 -=== 9.1. [[Thunderbird/ Firefox doesn't start anymore>> CIT.ITO.Docs.Guides.Helpdesk.Probleme.WebHome]] ===276 +=== 9.1. [[Thunderbird/ Firefox doesn't start anymore>>Informatik.Helpdesk.Probleme]] === 277 277 278 -=== 9.2. [[BlackBox login screen stops session >> CIT.ITO.Docs.Guides.Helpdesk.Probleme.WebHome]] ===278 +=== 9.2. [[BlackBox login screen stops session >>Informatik.Helpdesk.Probleme]] === 279 279 280 280 = __{{html wiki="true"}}<span class='WYSIWYG_COLOR ' style='color:Navy'>11. Security</span>{{/html}}__ = 281 281 282 282 Instructions on how to fix malware problems 283 283 284 -=== 10.1. [[Ransomware: WannaCry>> CIT.ITO.Docs.Guides.Helpdesk.WannaCry.WebHome]] ===284 +=== 10.1. [[Ransomware: WannaCry>>Informatik.Helpdesk.WannaCry]] === 285 285 286 286 === 10.2. [[Windows Updates>>CIT.ITO.Docs.Guides.Helpdesk.LrzWSUSUpdate.WebHome]] ===