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Last modified by Jonas Jelten on 2025/02/04 15:02
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... ... @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ 48 48 49 49 === 1.1.3. [[Data transfer between Rechnerhalle and a private Computer>>CIT.ITO.Docs.Guides.Helpdesk.DatenTransfer.WebHome]] (Certificate, Pictures etc.) === 50 50 51 -=== 1.1.4. [[Run programs so they don't terminate at the logout>>I nformatik.Helpdesk.ProgrammeBeimLogoutNichtBeenden]] ===51 +=== 1.1.4. [[Run programs so they don't terminate at the logout>>CIT.ITO.Docs.Guides.Helpdesk.ProgrammeBeimLogoutNichtBeenden.WebHome]] === 52 52 53 53 === 1.1.5. [[Remote Desktop Access>>]] === 54 54 ... ... @@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ 143 143 144 144 === 3.2.4. [[TUM e-mail account after exmatriculation/ end of employment/ end of study>>CIT.ITO.Docs.Guides.Mailaccount.WebHome]] === 145 145 146 -=== 3.2.5. [[Shared Mailbox at the TUM>>I nformatik.Helpdesk.Sharedmailbox]] ===146 +=== 3.2.5. [[Shared Mailbox at the TUM>>CIT.ITO.Docs.Guides.Helpdesk.Sharedmailbox.WebHome]] === 147 147 148 148 = __{{html wiki="true"}}<span class='WYSIWYG_COLOR ' style='color:Navy'>4. Certificates</span>{{/html}}__ = 149 149 ... ... @@ -273,9 +273,9 @@ 273 273 274 274 Instructions on how to fix common errors and problems. 275 275 276 -=== 9.1. [[Thunderbird/ Firefox doesn't start anymore>>I nformatik.Helpdesk.Probleme]] ===276 +=== 9.1. [[Thunderbird/ Firefox doesn't start anymore>>CIT.ITO.Docs.Guides.Helpdesk.Probleme.WebHome]] === 277 277 278 -=== 9.2. [[BlackBox login screen stops session >>I nformatik.Helpdesk.Probleme]] ===278 +=== 9.2. [[BlackBox login screen stops session >>CIT.ITO.Docs.Guides.Helpdesk.Probleme.WebHome]] === 279 279 280 280 = __{{html wiki="true"}}<span class='WYSIWYG_COLOR ' style='color:Navy'>11. Security</span>{{/html}}__ = 281 281