Changes for page Helpdesk
Last modified by Jonas Jelten on 2025/02/04 15:02
From version 11.1
edited by Xhulia Jasimi
on 2023/03/09 11:33
on 2023/03/09 11:33
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To version 17.1
edited by Aysegül Omus
on 2023/03/10 10:33
on 2023/03/10 10:33
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... ... @@ -1,1 +1,1 @@ 1 -XWiki. jax1 +XWiki.kahraman - Content
... ... @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ 12 12 * WLAN-problems within the Uni-Network 13 13 * VPN-Connection to the TUM 14 14 * set up of the RBG certificate 15 -Furthermore the helpdesk maintains two websites. The Wiki [[>>%SCRIPTURL{"view"}%/]] and the Knowledge Database [[>>]] which are continuously updated. Many answers for common questions can be found quickly in those articles.15 +Furthermore the helpdesk maintains two websites. The Wiki [[>>%SCRIPTURL{"view"}%/]] and the Knowledge Database [[>>]] which are continuously updated. Many answers for common questions can be found quickly in those articles. 16 16 17 17 On voluntary basis, and depending on our work amount, we try to answer other questions regarding private systems, to provide a good study and work environement for students and staff. 18 18 ... ... @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ 30 30 31 31 * E-Mail: 32 32 * Telephone: 089 289 18018 33 -* Our [[Loca>>Informatik.Helpdesk.HelpdeskStandort]] o[[tion>>Informatik.Helpdesk.HelpdeskStandort]]33 +* Our [[Loca>>Informatik.Helpdesk.HelpdeskStandort]][[tion>>Informatik.Helpdesk.HelpdeskStandort]] 34 34 35 35 == {{html wiki="true"}}<span class='WYSIWYG_COLOR ' style='color:Navy'>Opening hours</span>{{/html}} == 36 36 ... ... @@ -121,13 +121,13 @@ 121 121 122 122 All informations about hosting and set up of RBG mail addresses. 123 123 124 -=== 3.1.1. [[How do iset up my RBG e-mail account?>>Informatik.Helpdesk.IntumMatumEmail]] ===124 +=== 3.1.1. [[How do I set up my RBG e-mail account?>>Informatik.Helpdesk.CittumEmail.WebHome]] === 125 125 126 126 === 3.1.2. [[Self Service Portal: Forwarding, Vacation Message, other e-mail settings>>Informatik.Helpdesk.IntumMatumEmailWeiterleitungAbwesenheitsnotiz]] === 127 127 128 128 === 3.1.3. [[Change of mail server settings due to mail server sender restrictions>>Informatik.Helpdesk.MailserverAbsenderbeschraenkung]] === 129 129 130 -=== 3.1.4. [[How do I set up the LDAP address book?>>Informatik.Helpdesk.Citldap]] === 130 +=== 3.1.4. [[How do I set up the CIT LDAP address book?>>Informatik.Helpdesk.Citldap]] === 131 131 132 132 === 3.1.5. [[Shared folder in the CIT domain>>Informatik.Helpdesk.CitSharedFolder]] === 133 133 ... ... @@ -227,33 +227,28 @@ 227 227 228 228 === 6.1.3. [[Installing Matlab (Guests)>>Informatik.Helpdesk.MatlabInstallierenGast]] === 229 229 230 -== 6.2. Studisoft( ==230 +== 6.2. Microsoft Azure Dev Tools for Teaching (Students / Employees) == 231 231 232 -=== 6.2.1. [[ Rightsverview(OfficeProfessional(Office365)/Microsoft Imagine/Think-cell/Ms Campus>>Informatik.Helpdesk.Studisoft]] ===232 +=== 6.2.1. [['Microsoft Azure Dev Tools for Teaching' replaces Microsoft Imagine>>Informatik.Helpdesk.Microsoftimagine]] === 233 233 234 -=== 6.2.2. [[Is o Files/ BurnimagesonDVD>>Informatik.Helpdesk.Isobrennen]] ===234 +=== 6.2.2. [[Instructions for microsoft azure portal products>>Informatik.Helpdesk.AnleitungfuerMicrosoftAzure]] === 235 235 236 -== 6.3. icrosoftAzure Dev Toolsfor Teaching (Students/Employees) ==236 +== 6.3. MS Campus EES (Employees) == 237 237 238 -=== 6.3.1. [[ 'MicrosoftAzure Dev Tools forTeaching'replacesMicrosoftImagine>>Informatik.Helpdesk.Microsoftimagine]] ===238 +=== 6.3.1. [[Instructions for MS Campus EES products (Office und Windows) >>Informatik.Helpdesk.AnleitungfuerMsCampus]] === 239 239 240 -=== 6.3.2. [[ Instructionsformicrosoftazureportalproducts>>Informatik.Helpdesk.AnleitungfuerMicrosoftAzure]] ===240 +=== 6.3.2. [[Activate Telnet with Windows 7 and Windows 10>>Informatik.Helpdesk.TelnetAktivieren]] === 241 241 242 -== 6. 4.MSCampusEES(Employees)==242 +=== 6.3.3. [[Iso Files / Burn images on DVD>>Informatik.Helpdesk.Isobrennen]] === 243 243 244 -== =6.4.1.[[InstructionsforMS Campus EES products(Office und Windows) >>Informatik.Helpdesk.AnleitungfuerMsCampus]]===244 +== 6.4. Other software products == 245 245 246 -=== 6.4. 2. [[Activate Telnet with Windows7 and Windows 10>>Informatik.Helpdesk.TelnetAktivieren]] ===246 +=== 6.4.1. [[Adobe Pro>>Informatik.Helpdesk.AdobePro]] === 247 247 248 +=== 6.4.2. [[Origin>>Informatik.Helpdesk.Origin]] === 248 248 249 -== 6. 5.Other softwareroducts ==250 +=== 6.4.3. [[Thinkcell>>Informatik.Helpdesk.Thinkcell]] === 250 250 251 -=== 6.5.1. [[Adobe Pro>>Informatik.Helpdesk.AdobePro]] === 252 - 253 -=== 6.5.2. [[Origin>>Informatik.Helpdesk.Origin]] === 254 - 255 -=== 6.5.3. [[Thinkcell>>Informatik.Helpdesk.Thinkcell]] === 256 - 257 257 {{id name="NetzwerK"/}} 258 258 259 259 = __{{html wiki="true"}}<span class='WYSIWYG_COLOR ' style='color:Navy'>7. Network / Internet</span>{{/html}}__ =