Wiki source code of Docs

Version 7.3 by Thomas Walter Erbesdobler on 2023/08/28 17:16

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1 Welcome to CIT IT Operation's (ITO) public documentation 😎
3 {{warning}}
4 **This area is rather new and not yet complete - for our old documentation, please still refer to [[Benutzerwiki>>doc:Informatik.Benutzerwiki.WebHome]] and [[Helpdesk>>doc:Informatik.Helpdesk.WebHome]].**
5 {{/warning}}
7 To support you in succeeding in your work at CIT, the foundation of our school's digital infrastructure is provided by ITO.
9 * [[Services>>doc:.Services.WebHome]] are provided by ITO for our students and employees
10 * [[Guides>>doc:.Guides.WebHome]] aim to help you with various challenges in a digitized world